me for items not available on line.
- [1 ]
- Problemas y modelos en el manejo de
las plantaciones forestales [Problems and models in forest
plantation management]. Esc. de Ingeniería Forestal, U. of Chile
(Thesis). 1968.
- Yes, I have been a process modeller :-)
With probably the first, and last, growth model implemented on an analog
computer. English summary.
Spanish full text
(PDF, 855 Kb).
- [2 ]
- Indices de sitio para pino insigne
en Chile [Site indices for radiata pine in Chile]. Instituto
Forestal, Chile. Serie de Investigación, Publ. No.2. 1970.
- Based on temporary plots. Pidgin English
summary .
Copy (Spanish, PDF, 627 Kb)
- [3 ]
- Algunos programas en APL [Some
programs in APL]. Instituto Forestal, Chile. Informe Técnico 41. 1971.
- An APL
time-sharing system was market tested by IBM in Holland and Chile ca.
- [4 ]
- Perspectivas del abastecimiento de
pino insigne a la industria en la región del Bío- Bío [Prospects
for the supply of radiata pine to the industry in the Bío-Bío Region].
Presented at the Meeting of Experts in Paper and Cellulose,
Santiago, December 1972 (Mimeo.)
- A precursor of IFS [ 9
]. Surprisingly, the forecasts for the end of the Century were not too
far off.
- [5 ]
- Ecuaciones altura-diámetro para pino
insigne [Height-diameter equations for radiata pine]. Instituto
Forestal, Chile. Nota Técnica 19. 1974.
- Yet another h-d study.
- [6 ]
- Sobre modelos matemáticos de rodal
[On mathematical stand models]. Instituto Forestal, Chile. Informe
Técnico 48. 1974.
- System Theory approach and examples.
English summary
. English translation
(PDF, 191 Kb). Copy (Spanish, PDF, 550
- [7 ]
- Processing of map information in a
minicomputer . University of Georgia (Dissertation). 1976
- A rudimentary mini/microcomputer GIS (in
8 Kb of memory!) Developed the "arc" data structure, concepts and
terminology later used by ArcInfo. Abstract
. Excerpts
(PDF, 773 Kb).
- [8 ]
- Modelling stand development with
stochastic differential equations. In: Elliott,D.E. (ed) Mensuration
Systems for Forest Management Planning. New Zealand Forest
Service. Forest Research Institute Symposium No. 20, p.315-334. 1979.
- It's all there, although heavy-going.
Read [17 ] and [27 ], and perhaps
[6 ], first. Then graduate to [13
], [11 ], and [19 ] (and don't
forget [20 ], somewhere.) Full
text (re-formatted PDF, 190 Kb).
- [9 ]
- IFS, an interactive forest simulator
for long range planning. New Zealand Journal of Forestry
Science 11, 8-22. 1981.
- Descendant still
in use . More details and software here
. Full PDF
text at Journal's web site.
- [ 10 ]
- Simplified method-of-moments
estimation for the Weibull distribution. New Zealand Journal
of Forestry Science 11, 304-306. 1981.
- Avoiding iteration.
Software . Full PDF
text at Journal's web site (missing 'exp' before the brackets in
the second equation).
- [ 11 ]
- A stochastic differential equation
model for the height growth of forest stands. Biometrics 39,
1059-1072. 1983.
- Should have been the
standard method for site index equations, with better marketing :-)
Summary . Software
. Text in JSTOR.
- [ 12 ]
- FOLPI, a forestry-oriented Linear
Programming interpreter. In: Nagumo, H. et al (ed), Proceedings
IUFRO Symposium on Forest Management Planning and Managerial
Economics, p.293-305. University of Tokyo. 1984.
- Still routinely used for harvesting
scheduling and planning in New Zealand and elsewhere (some bells and
whistles added later.) Unfortunately, the software was caught in FRI's
commercialization and became unavailable for a long while.
Forest Research sells it now. Abstract
. Full text
(PDF, 203 Kb).
- [ 13 ]
- New class of growth models for
even-aged stands: Pinus radiata in Golden Downs Forest. New
Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 14, 65-88. 1984.
- The only one from the dozen or so New
Zealand state-space/stochastic- differential-equation regional growth
models to be properly published. Abstract
. Full PDF
text at Journal's web site. Simulator
- [ 14 ]
- Forest estate modelling (Part 2).
In: Levak, H. (ed), 1986 Forestry Handbook . NZ Institute of
Foresters (Inc.), Wellington. 1986.
- Introduction to harvest scheduling, with
special reference to New Zealand. With a newer 1995 Forestry
Handbook, I guess that the publishers would not mind if I place
the full text here
(PDF file, 34 Kb)
- [ 15 ]
- SEESAW, a visual sawing simulator -
Part II: The SEESAW computer program . In: Kininmonth, J.
A. (comp), Proceedings of Conversion Planning Conference,
p.107-116. Ministry of Forestry, FRI Bulletin No. 128. 1987.
- Early hardware-stretching computer
graphics application. Another victim of commercialization. North
American rights sold to Weyerhaeuser, who might not have used it but
kept it off everybody else. Later versions known as AUTOSAW. Abstract,
text (PDF,
147 Kb). Slideshow
. See also
Todoroki (1988) (PDF).
- [ 16 ]
- Experience with an advanced growth
modelling methodology. In: Ek,A.R., Shifley,S.R. and Burke,T.E.
(eds), Forest Growth Modelling and Prediction, p.668-675. USDA
Forest Service, General Technical Report NC-120. 1988.
- Showing-off to the world. Abstract
. "Advanced" sounded better than "abstruse" :-)
GTR NC-120 online,
USDA . Local copy.
- [ 17 ]
- Growth modelling - A (re)view.
New Zealand Forestry 33 (3), 14-17. 1988.
- Look ma, no equations! (well, almost.) Summary.
Text at Journal's site (PDF file, 815 Kb). Errata.
Spanish translation
(PDF file, 37 Kb).
- [ 17a ]
- Letter to the Editor: Pine
needles and tree stems. New Zealand Journal of Forestry
Science 18, 236. 1988.
- Relationship between surface and
projected leaf area. PDF
text at Journal's web site.
- [18 ]
- Strategic planning for forest
management with FOLPI (by O. García, B. Manley, and J.
Threadgill). FRI, Rotorua, NZ, What's New in Forest Research
No. 177. 1989.
- [19 ]
- Growth modelling - New developments.
In: Nagumo, H. and Konohira, Y. (eds), Japan and New Zealand
Symposium on Forestry Management Planning, p.152-158. Japan
Association for Forestry Statistics. 1989.
- Unhinibited maths, thanks to a receptive
Japanese audience. Abstract
. Full text
(PDF, 79 Kb).
- [20 ]
- Growth of thinned and pruned stands.
In: James, R.N. and Tarlton, G.L. (eds.) New Approaches to Spacing
and Thinning in Plantation Forestry: Proceedings of a IUFRO Symposium.
Ministry of Forestry, FRI Bulletin No. 151, p.84-97. 1990.
- No maths! Plenty of graphs, though. Abstract .
Full text
(re-formatted PDF, 217 Kb), scanned (PDF, 391
- [21 ]
- Linear Programming and related
approaches in Forest Planning . New Zealand Journal of
Forestry Science 20, 307-331. 1990.
- Network formulation of harvest
scheduling models, relationships between models I, II and III (or C, B
and A), etc. Abstract
. Full PDF
text at Journal's web site.
- [22 ]
- A system for the differentiation of
Fortran code and an application to parameter estimation in forest
growth models. In: Griewank, A. and Corliss, G. F. (eds.) Automatic
Differentiation of Algorithms: Theory, Implementation, and Application,
p.273-285. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 1991.
- And now, to something completely
different... Actually, a subproduct of the growth modelling efforts. Abstract, text
(PDF 302 Kb). The
software .
- [23 ]
- What is a diameter distribution?
In: Minowa, M. and Tsuyuki, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the Symposium
on Integrated Forest Management Information Systems,
p.11-29. Japan Society of Forest Planning Press. 1992.
- Playing with distributions? Read this! Abstract .
Full text
(PDF, 157 Kb). More in [49].
- [24 ]
- Sampling for tree-ring analysis.
In: Wood, G. and Turner, B. (eds.) Integrating Forest Information
Over Space and Time, Proceedings of the International IUFRO Conference,
p.110-128. ANUTECH Pty Ltd, Canberra, Australia. 1992.
- Cunningly choosing stem analysis trees.
Sampling schemes also promising as alternatives to 3P in forest
inventory. Abstract
. Full text
(PDF, 203 Kb).
- [25 ]
- Stand growth models: Theory and
practice. In: ``Advancement in Forest Inventory and Forest
Management Sciences - Proceedings of the IUFRO Seoul Conference'',
p.22-45. Forestry Research Institute of the Republic of Korea. 1993.
- Raw material for [27
], plus some bits on self-thinning that did not make it into the
journal. Apologies for the narcissism that seems to come across,
according to a referee of the journal version. Abstract
. Full text
(PDF, 248 Kb).
- [26 ]
- Un método simple para evaluar
técnicas de establecimiento [A simple method for evaluating
establishment techniques]. In: Barros A., S., Prado D., J. A., and
Alvear S., C. (eds) Actas Simposio Los Eucaliptos en el Desarrollo
Forestal de Chile . Instituto Forestal. 1994. Text
(PDF, 87 Kb).
- Spanish version of [31
]. Equation (2) was eaten by the press (added in the copy here).
- [27 ]
- The state-space approach in growth
modelling. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 24,
1894-1903. 1994.
- Trying to explain it all. Abstract/Text.
Errata. Spanish translation
(PDF, 264 Kb). See also [25 ].
- [28 ]
- Indices de sitio preliminares para
eucalipto [Preliminary site indices for eucalypt]. Ciencia e
Investigación Forestal 9(1), 5-21. 1995.
- Part of the Chilean eucalypt modelling
project that got published. Abstract
- [29 ]
- Normas para la instalación y
medición de parcelas permanentes en plantaciones de eucalipto
[Standards for the installation and measurement of permanent sample
plots in eucalypt plantations] (by O. García, S. Salas, and C. Zunino).
Instituto Forestal, Chile (to appear).
- Actually, it seems unlikely now that it
will ever appear. Anyway, it is
here . Today I would recommend standardizing on an electronic
hypsometer, and maybe use its rangefinder to layout circular plots.
- [30 ]
- Evaluating forest growth models
(by J. Vanclay, J. P. Skovsgaard, and O. García). In: Köhl, M. and
Gertner, G. Z. (eds.) Caring for the Forest: Research in a Changing
World - Statistics, Mathematics and Computers, Proceedings of the
Meeting of S4.11-00 at the IUFRO XX World Congress (pp. 11-22.)
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
(WSL/FNP), 1996.
- Abstract
. Text
- [31 ]
- Easy evaluation of establishment
treatments . In: Klemperer, W. D. (ed.) Proceedings of the
S4.04 Meetings on Forest Management Planning and Managerial Economics,
IUFRO 20th World Congress, Tampere, Finland, August 6-12, 1995
(pp. 89-94.) Virginia Tech, College of Forestry and Wildlife
Resources. Publication No. FWS 1-96. 1996.
- Neat maths, maybe even practical. Based
on [26 ]. Abstract
. Full text
(PDF, 227 Kb).
- [32 ]
- Estimating top height with variable
plot sizes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28,
1509-1517. 1998.
- Abstract/text.
- [33 ]
- Realized gain and prediction of
yield with genetically improved Pinus radiata in New Zealand
(by S. D. Carson, O. García and J. D. Hayes). Forest Science 45(2),
186-200. 1999.
- Abstract
- [34 ]
- Height growth of Pinus radiata
in New Zealand New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science
29(1), 131-145. 1999.
- NZ growth models documentation comming
up (10 years late). Abstract
. Full PDF
text at Journal's web site.
- [35 ]
- Functional differential equations in
sustainable forest harvesting . Journal of Forest
Planning 6(2), 49-63. 2001.
- Not for the mathematically squeamish. Abstract . A
(PDF, 648 Kb). Older version here
- [36 ]
- Aproximación a la dinámica de los
montes gallegos. Existencias y evolución de los tipos forestales en la
Provincia de Pontevedra [Approximation to the dynamics of the
Galician forests. Stocks and evolution of forest types in Pontevedra
Province]. Investigación Agraria - Sistemas y Recursos
Forestales 10(2), 291-310. 2001.
- English summary
. Full text
, from journal
site .
- [37 ]
- On bridging the gap between
tree-level and stand-level models . In: Rennolls, K. (ed.)
Proceedings of IUFRO 4.11 Conference
'Forest Biometry, Modelling and Information Science', University of
Greenwich, June 25-29, 2001.
- Abstract
. Full text available from
Greenwich site.
- [38 ]
- A growth model for eucalypt in
Galicia, Spain. (by O. García and F. Ruiz). Forest
Ecology and Management 173(1-3), 49-62. 2003.
- Abstract/text
. Unedited preprint
(PDF, 346 Kb). Errata
(somebody actually read it!)
- [39 ]
- Dimensionality reduction in growth
models: An example. Forest Biometry,
Modelling and Information Sciences 1, 1-15. 2003.
Text at FBMIS
- [40 ]
- Structure and dynamics of trembling
aspen-white spruce mixed stands near Fort Nelson, B.C. (by
Richard D. Kabzems, and Oscar García). Canadian Journal of
Forest Research 34(2), 384-395. 2004.
- The "obvious" successional
interpretation bites the dust. Synopsis.
- [41 ]
- Top height estimation in lodgepole
pine sample plots. (by Oscar García and Adrian Batho). Western
Journal of Applied Forestry 20(1), 64-68. 2005.
- Sequel to [32], this time in English :-) Abstract/text.
Computer code.
- [42 ]
- Comparing and combining stem
analysis and permanent sample plot data in site index models. Forest
Science 51(4), 277-283. 2005.
- [43 ]
- Site index: Concepts and methods.
In: Cieszewski, C. J., and Strub, M. (eds.). Second
International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative
Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists
Meeting, p.275-283. Warnell
School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia,
Athens, GA, USA. 2006.
- Demystifying site modelling (or trying
to). Text
(PDF, 308 Kb).
- [44 ]
- Thinking about Time. In:
Naito, Kenji (ed.) The Role of Forests for Coming Generations
-- Philosophy and Technology for Forest Resource Management,
p.47-54. Japan Society of Forest Planning Press.
Utsunomiya, Japan, 2005.
- Not as philosophical as it sounds, about
dynamic modelling and scales. Preprint.
- [45 ]
- TADAM: A dynamic whole-stand
approximation for the TASS growth model. The Forestry
Chronicle 81(4), 575-581, 2005. Errata: 81(6), 815, 2005.
- Easier [39], with
documentation of pine and spruce versions. Abstract/text.
chunk missing in the conclusions.
- [46 ]
- Distributions and spatial structure.
In: Reynolds, Keith M. (ed) "Sustainable forestry in theory and
practice: Recent advances in inventory and monitoring, statistics
and modeling, information and knowledge management, and policy
science". USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-688. CD-ROM and on
- More on dbh distributions and
individual-tree models (see [23] and [49]).
- [47 ]
- Unifying sigmoid univariate growth
equations. Forest Biometry, Modelling and Information
Sciences 1, 63-68. 2005.
- The Theory of Everything :-)
Typo: page 65, missing minus sign in the exponent of the Korf.
- [48 ]
- Modelling height development of
mature Nothofagus obliqua
(by Christian Salas and Oscar Garcia). Forest Ecology and
Management229, 1-6.
- Dealing with stem-analysis data,
breast-height ages, constrained site curves, etc. Abstract/text
on line. Preprint.
- [49 ]
- Scale
and spatial structure effects on tree size distributions: Implications
for growth and yield modelling.. Canadian
Journal of Forest Research 36(11), 2983-2993. 2006.
- Individual-tree modelling is not as simple as generally thought.
Abstract/Text at CJFR
website. Local copy
(PDF, 398 Kb). Typo: on first page, 2nd column, line 5,
"error-variables" should be "error-in-variables".
- [50 ]
- De Perthuis and the origins of site
index: A historical note (by Adrian Batho and Oscar Garcia).
Forest Biometry, Modelling and Information Sciences 1,
1-10. 2006.
- Site index under the
guillotine. Text.
De Perthuis' book
in Google Books.
- [51 ]
- Dimensionalidad en los modelos de
crecimiento [Dimensionality in growth models]. Cuadernos
de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales 23, 19-25.
- The Whole-stand Modeller's Manifesto
:-) Text
(Spanish). English version in [55], below.
- [52 ]
- Visualization
of a general family of growth functions and probability distributions-- The Growth-curve Explorer. Environmental Modelling and Software 23(12),
1474-1475. 2008.
- A follow-up to [47].
- [53 ]
- A
simple and effective forest stand mortality model. Mathematical and Computational Forestry
& Nat.-Res. Sci. 1(1), 1-9. 2009.
- KISS. Self-thinning laws (and
allometry, etc.) may be largely consequences of Garcia's
log principle: "Anything plotted on log-log coordinates tends
to a straight line" :-) Text.
- [54 ]
- A
height-growth and site-index model for interior spruce in the
Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic zone of British Columbia (by Zhengjun Hu and
Oscar García). Canadian
Journal of Forest Research 40(6), 1175–1183. 2010.
- An application of [42],
with some twists. doi:10.1139/X10-075
- [55 ]
- Models
and limits to predictability. Natural Resources
and Environmental Studies Institute Occasional Paper No. 6, University
of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C., Canada. 2010.
- English version of [51].
Download (NRESI)
- [56 ]
- A
parsimonious dynamic stand model for interior spruce in British
Columbia. Forest
Science 57(4),
265-280. 2011.
- Development of Scube,
see web site.
Abstract / text. Preprint.
- [57 ]
- Dynamical
implications of the variability representation in site-index
modelling. European Journal
of Forest Research 130(4), 671-675. 2011.
- Not another long and complicated
paper. This is short and complicated! doi:
Afterthought: May have been better to label the second column of Table 1
as "Transition function" rather than "Flow equation". The three entries
in each row are different but equivalent ways of describing a flow.
- [58 ]
- A
biologically-consistent stand growth model for loblolly pine in the
Piedmont physiographic region, USA (by O. García, H.E.
Burkhart, and R.L. Amateis). Forest Ecology and Management 262(11), 2035–2041. 2011.
- Reputable authors to the rescue!
This is easier to read than [56], it was possible to
omit many distracting details. doi:
10.1016/j.foreco.2011.08.047. Preprint.
Web site.
- [59 ]
News: Growth and yield of interior spruce: filling in the blanks. BC
Journal of Ecosystems and Management 12(3), xvi–xvii. 2011.
- Short note. Text
- [60 ]
- Self-thinning
limits in two and three dimensions. Mathematical
and Computational Forestry & Nat.-Res. Sci. 4(2),
66-72. 2012. Abstract
/ Text (MCFNS).
- Flatland from the air :-)
The slopes of Reineke's (log N
+ bd log D
= c1), 3/2
law (log N + bv
log v = c2),
and Hart-Becking (log N
+ bh log H
= c3) limits
are not independent, they must satisfy bd
bv + 2 bv
bh - bd
bh = 0 . New "stand density index": N D3.4
/ H2
- [61 ]
- Building
a dynamic growth model for trembling aspen in Western Canada without
age data. Canadian
Journal of Forest Research 43(3), 256-265. 2013.
- Among other things, the age-independence
facilitates introducing adjustments for climate change, and greatly
reduces any effects of past changes on the parameter estimates. Typo:
the exponent of N in equation
[19d] should be 0.09578, not 0.06518. doi:
10.1139/cjfr-2012-0366. Preprint.
- [62 ]
- Forest
Stands as Dynamical Systems: An Introduction. Modern Applied Science 7(5), 32-38.
(just kidding). Open access: doi:
10.5539/mas.v7n5p32. I recently learned of an early example of
System Dynamics forest growth model by Ung,
Beaulieu, and Bégin (1978), following earlier work by Kalgraf and
Egeberg in Norway. Found a paper by Kalgraf.
- [63 ]
- A site
index model for lodgepole pine in British Columbia (by A. Batho
and O. García). Forest
Science 60(5), 982-987. 2014.
- Screening for past suppression. doi:
10.5849/forsci.13-509. Preprint.
- [64 ]
- Developing
a dynamic growth model for teak plantations in India (by
V.P. Tewari, J.G. Álvarez-González, and O. García). Forest Ecosystems 1:9.
- Abstract
/ Text.
- [65 ]
- A
generic approach to spatial individual-based modelling and simulation
of plant communities. Mathematical and
Computational Forestry and Nat.-Res. Sci. (MCFNS) 6(1),
36-47. 2014.
- An R platform for experimenting with
distance-dependent individual-tree models.
text, code listings (at Journal site). Local copy of article.
Web site.
- [66 ]
- Can plasticity make spatial
structure irrelevant in individual-tree models?. Forest
Ecosystems 2014, 1:16.
- Yes, it can.
- [67 ]
- Siplab,
a spatial individual-based plant modelling system.
Ecology and Software 4(4), 215-222. 2014.
- Concise overview of distance-dependent
individual-tree models, gentle introduction to siplab.
(at Journal site).