Zapatistas and the Web

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Geography 403 Web Project


Group Members:

Jeff Girard, Shannon McKay, Padraig O'Connor

    Welcome to our website project for Geography 403, Aboriginal Geography at UNBC. This website is designed to further our knowledge on the Zapatistas’ struggle for liberty and justice in the state of Chiapas in South Western Mexico. This site contains a brief history on the Zapatista rebel army as well as definitions of the many acronyms and words used in the region to allow the viewer a better understanding of their struggle. The annotated bibliography and links pages showcase numerous other sites and books on the resistance of the Zapatista.

        The media has offered the Zapatistas an important advantage in the struggle for increased indigenous rights. Through the use of media outlets such as television, print and especially the internet, the rebel Zapatista Army have escaped the confines of the jungle highlands of Southwest Mexico and thrust their cause onto the world stage. The globalization of communication has indeed internationalized the Zapatista resistance but is a paradox in the sense of using this time-space compression for recognition but at the same time fighting against NAFTA and globalization. Because of this use of cyber-space the Zapatistas have not only increased their international coverage but the de-territorialization of the fight had led to the Mexican government losing any sort of national containment on the matter. Thus the Zapatista rebellion and their use of the world stage present challenges to the political and economic powers of Mexico. The utilization of ‘imagineered’ space by the EZLN has forced the Mexican state to look at solving the marginalization of Chiapan peasants



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Last modified: 03/28/02