Zapatistas and the Web
Books in Print:
Collier, G.A., Quaratiello, E.L. (1994). Basta! Land and the Zapatista Rebellion in Chiapas. Oakland, CA. The Institute for Food and Development Policy. This book looks at the agricultural reasons for the Zapatista rebellion. As more land is taken away from the aboriginal people, they are forced from their traditional agrarian lifestyles and must find new ways to survive. The Zapatistas are opposed to this and are fighting back.
Holloway, J., Pelaez, E. (1998). Zapatista! Reinventing Revolution in Mexico. Sterling, VA. Pluto Press. This is another book on the history of the Zapatistas, but it also contains a chapter on how the internet has been used in spreading information about the war around the globe.
Magazine Articles:
Cleaver, H.M. The Zapatista Effect: The Internet and the Rise of an Alternative Political Fabric. The Journal of International Affairs, 51 no2 (Spring 98), 621-40. This article discusses the concept of how the internet is not only another source for the media in the case of the Zapatista rebellion, but it actually changes the entire nature of the struggle. He shows how the rebellion is no longer two-sided, but rather has many different sides coming from every direction around the globe.
Froehling, O. The Cyberspace “War of Ink and Internet” in Chiapas, Mexico. The Geographical Review, 87 no2 (April 1997), 291-307. In this article, Froehling discusses how the Zapatistas have moved into the world of the internet and used this new space to their advantage. He uses the web-site “Zapatistas in Cyberspace” as an example. See the ‘links’ for the page.
Nash, J. The Fiesta of the Word: The Zapatista Uprising and Radical Democracy in Mexico. American Anthropologist, 99 (2) (1997), 261-274. A look at how alternative cultural beliefs and practices are a response to global changes in the postmodern world. The Zapatistas are trying to promote pluralculturalism, not only to ensure their own survival, but also the many ethnic minorities throughout the world.
Robinson, Andy. Mexican Stand-off. New Statesman & Society, (Aug 19, 1994), 14-15. Just before a national election, this is a look at the tension that is in Mexico during this time period. The Zapatistas place their faith in democracy, but if it fails, will peace fail as well? This is a short, but informative article and includes some quotes form Sub-commandante Marcos and his superior, Commandante Tacho.
Routledge, Paul. Going Globile: Spatiality, Embodiment, and mediation in the Zapatista insurgency. Rethinking Geopolitics, 1998, 240-261.
Rethinking Geopolitics offers an important insight into resistance in the contemporary world. Using the Zapatistas, the author explains how the media offers a small social uprising the ability to overcome the physical space of their struggle and make it known world-wide. This writing also focuses on the history of peasant rebellion in the state of Chiapas.
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