Zapatistas and the Web
Zapatistas in Cyberspace: This website is a guide to the various resources available on the internet regarding the Zapatista movement. It provides links to hundreds of websites and indexes.
Frente Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional (Zapatista Front of National Liberation): This website can be translated from Spanish and provides information on the FZLN. It also has copies of all releases to the international press from the FZLN, ensuring that the entire world has access to information on their struggle.
Army Zapatista de National Liberacion: This page is linked to the FZLN page. Made for the army of the Zapatista movement, it provides information in regards to the struggle as well as press releases and photos.
Zapatista Index: This page is an index provided by the Irish Mexico Group on documents and organizations related to the Zapatista uprising.
ZNet Chiapas/Zapatista Crisis Page: This page is a very up to date source of news for the Chiapas. Current information on the conflict in the Chiapas and links to larger web pages are provided.
The Human Bean Company: One of the more interesting websites reviewed; this is a company in the Chiapas that sells fair trade organic coffee, Zapatista clothing, mugs, etc…The site also provides information on the struggle and has a substantial collection of photographs.
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