Zapatistas and the Web
Cacique: local indigenous leader
Campesino: rural labourer; cultivator; agriculturalist
Chiapas: A region in southern Mexico, bordering on Guatemala. Largest city in the region is San Cristobel.
COCOPA: Comisión de Concordia y Pacificación (Commission of Agreement and Peacemaking
CONAI: Comisión Nacional de Intermediación (National Commission of Mediation)
EZLN: Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (Zapatista National Liberation Army)
FZLN: Frente Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (Zapatista Front of National Liberation)
INI: Instituto Nacional Indiginista (National Indiginous Institute)
Ladino: Non-indigenous person of Spanish cultural descent
Marcos: Leader of the EZLN. A westernized mestizo. His true name is unknown.
OCEZ: Organización de Campesinos Emiliano Zapata (Emiliano Zapata Campesino Organization)
PAN: Partido de Acción Nacional (National Action Party)
Zapata: Emiliano Zapata was a Mexican revolutionary in the early 20th century. His beliefs and ideals are the basis for the Zapatista movement.
Zapatista: The Zapatistas are a revolutionary group in the Chiapas region of Mexico. They are fighting to keep the land that is rightfully theirs from the Mexican government. Their army is the EZLN. |
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