Statistical modeling:

The final project of this theme involves analyzing data with some of the methods discussed in class, and submitting a write-up (about 20-30 pages, double-spaced, not counting figures). The project is due before the last class. The data can be from your area of research (though you should discuss this with the instructor first), or you could use data from the tropical Pacific as provided. The SOI and the SST for the regions Nino1+2, Nino3, Nino3.4 and Nino4 are suitable for time series analysis (e.g. correlation, regression, spectral analysis and filtering). The equatorial SST and SLP fields are suitable for multivariate time series analysis (e.g. principal components, canonical correlation analysis, singular spectrum analysis, principal oscillation patterns, neural networks). The neural network codes for nonlinear principal component analysis and nonlinear canonical correlation analysis will be provided if you are interested in them.

Useful datasets for the project are given below: ( Schematic diagrams for data description )

SOI (Southern Oscillation Index)

SST for Nino 1+2 (0-10S)(90W-80W), Nino 3 (5N-5S)(150W-90W), Nino 4 (5N-5S)(160E-150W), Nino 3.4 (5N-5S)(170-120W)

How to read the SST & SLP data below:

Equatorial SST data

Equatorial SLP data

READ Equatorial SST Data

READ Equatorial SLP Data

Optimal modeling - Data Assimilation:

This project is an extension to lab6, further exploreing the applications of ensemble-based data assimilation methods. It can include, not limitted, such issues as advanced algorithems of EnKF, for example,Extended KF, square-root EnKF, inflation factor of EnKF, SPKF etc.. and comparing and analyzing these methods. You also can use another dynamical model that you may interseted in to perform EnKF or other assimilation methods. It is expected that a series of experiments can bring some interesting results.