Charitable Donations

You can now support biomedical research in Northern British Columbia by making charitable donations to the Rader Lab. A variety of gifting opportunities are described below, and they all qualify as tax-deductible donations due to UNBC's status as a registered charity under Canada Revenue Agency guidelines. Contributions to UNBC's U.S. Foundation also qualify as a charitable donation under I.R.S. regulations.

Why do labs need to seek private donations?
Most funding for academic labs comes from federal sources (e.g.NSERC, CIHR) or provincial foundations (e.g. MSFHR). Such funding sources are highly competitive to ensure that only the best research proposals are funded. The research grants awarded through such programs generally last five years, during which time there is no opportunity to adjust the research budget to account for changing circumstances, such as growth of the lab, new equipment needs, or new experimental directions. In addition, funding agencies tend to be conservative in their funding decisions, and generally will not fund truly creative or ground-breaking research until it has been demonstrated to work. Research labs consequently seek private support to provide flexibility in their operations.
How will my donation be used?
Lab spending falls into three broad categories: equipment, supplies, and salaries. Of these, salaries tend to be the most expensive continuing cost for a lab. Examples of how your donation might be used include:
$1,000 covers the top-up stipend for an undergraduate student with a Research Award.
$4,000 supports a student for the summer.
$12,000 provides a Graduate Student with one year of salary support.
$35,000 funds a coveted Postdoctoral Scholar for one year. These highly-trained scientists are generally one step away from a faculty position or industry job, and are often the most productive members of a lab.
While unrestricted donations give us the greatest flexibility in allocating lab resources, donors are welcome to specify how they would like their gift to be used.
What will I receive when I make a donation?
All donations to the Rader Lab qualify for a charitable receipt under Canadian and U.S. tax law. In addition, all donors receive an annual report on lab activities and recent progress, and a standing invitation to visit the lab and see science in action.
How can I donate?
Please contact Dr. Rader for more details about how to make a donation.

The Rader Lab at UNBC

The Rader Lab at UNBC