This page may seem a bit 'busy' but it shows that I have been involved with many research projects at UNBC. Feel free to email me to request a full curriculum vitae.
Referred Journal Articles (39 total - last 6 years)
- Wood, L.J.; Smith, D.J.; Hartley, I.D. 2015: Predicting wood quality from climate date in Interior British Columbia, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 361:81-89.d oi:10.1016/j.foreco.2015.11.004
- Kilcullen, P.J.; Hartley, I.D.; Jensen, E.; Reid, M. 2015. Terahertz time domain gas-phase spectroscopy of carbon monoxide. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 10.1007/s10762-014-0139-z
- Hilde, C.P.; Woodward, R.; Avramidis, S.; Hartley, I.D. 2014. The acoustic properties of water submerged Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and spruce (Picea spp.) wood and their suitability for use as musical instruments. Materials. 7(8):5688-5699
- Inagaki, T.; Hartley, I.D.; Tsuchikawa, S.; Reid, M. 2013. Prediction of oven-dry density of wood by time-domain teraherz spectroscopy. Holzforschung DOI: 10.1515/hf-2013-0013
- Peemoeller, H.; Weglarz, W.P.; Hinek, J.M.; Holly, R.; Lemaire, C.; Teymoori, R.; Liang, J.; Crone, J.; Mansour, F.K.; Hartley, I.D. 2013. NMR detection of liquid-like wood polymer component in dry aspen wood. Polymer 54(5):1524-1529
- Todoruk, T.M.; Hartley, I.D.; Reid, M.E. 2012. Origin of birefringence in wood at terahertz frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 2(1):123-130
- Todoruk, T.M.; Hartley, I.D. 2011. Sorption properties of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) wood chips affected by the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae). Holzforschung 65(1):109-112
- Todoruk, T.M.; Hartley, I.D.; Teymoori, R.; Liang, J.; Peemoeller, H. 2011. 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Lodgepole Pine Wood Chips Affected by the Mountain Pine Beetle. Materials 4(1):131-140
Referred Conference Proceedings and Book Chapters
- Hartley, I.D.; Hamza, M.F. 2016. Wood: Moisture, Hygroscopicity and Sorption. In: Saleem Hashimi (Editor), Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering. Oxford: Elsevier 1-7. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.02219-0
- Pasca, S.A.; Hartley, I.D. 2014: Measuring carbonation depths for estimating CO2 uptake during the lifetime of wood-cement products. In: Proceedings of the International Inorganic-Bonded Fiber Composites Conference, 15-19 September 2014, Da Nang Vietnam
- Reid, M.E.; Todoruk, T.M.; Hartley, I.D. 2013. Terahertz applications in wood industry. In: D. Saeedkia Editor, Handbook of terahertz technology for imaging and sensing. Wood-head Publishing, Cambridge UK
- Pasca, S.A.; Hartley, I.D. 2012: Beetlecrete - An Attractive Solution to Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic. In: Proceedings of the International Inorganic-Bonded Fiber Composites Conference,10-14 September 2012, Canberra, Australia
Non-Referred Publications, Reports and Book Chapters (23 total - lat 6 years)
- Pasca, S.A.; Hartley, I.D.; Church, M. 2011. The Coming of MPB Wood Cement: A concrete solution to an epidemic. (Feature Article) Construction Canada 53(1):26-30
- Radiotis, T.; Berry, R.; Hartley, I.D.; Todoruk T.M. 2008. Kraft pulp and paper mill utilization options for grey stage wood. Mountain Pine Beetle Working Paper 2008-09. Natural Resources Canada (Canadian Forest Service). 73p.
- Hartley, I.D. 2006. Wood: Moisture Content, Hygroscopicity and Sorption. Concise Encyclopedia of Composite Materials. Ed: Andreas Mortensen. Elsevier
Presentations: Invited (22 total - last 6 years)
- Hartley, I.D 2016. From NMR to Terahertz: Probing Wood-Water Interactions. Department of Physics, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB
- Hartley, I.D. 2016. Applications of Terahertz to Wood Science. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Centre & Wood Sensing Laboratory, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB
- Inagaki, T.; Ahmed, B.; Hartley, I.D.; Tsuchikawa, S.; Reid, M.E. 2015. Simultaneous prediction of density and moisture content of wood by terahertz time domain spectroscopy. International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology. Japan
- Reid, M.E.; Inagaki, T.; Tsouchikawa, S.; Lawyer, K.; Ahmed, B.; Nasr, A.; Jensen, E.T.; Hartley, I.D. 2014: Terahertz spectroscopy of wood and combustion gas. Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, Sudbury, ON
- Reid, M.E.; Hartley, I.D.; Ropagnol, X.; Morandotti, R.; Ozaki, T.; Inagaki, T.; Tsouchikaw, S. 2012: Development of large aperture photoconductive switches for THz nonlinear optics and spectroscopy of wood. 21st International Laser Physics Workshop. Calgary AB
Presentations: Non-Invited (39 total - last 6 years)
- Hartley, I.D. 2016. NMR of Biomaterials. UNBC Math and Physics Symposium.
- Hartley, I.D. 2014. From NMR to THz: Probing Wood-Water Systems. IEEE sponsored talk at UNBC by the Department of Physics
- Lawyer, K; Reid, M.E.; Jensen, E.T.; Hartley, I.D. 2011. Rotational Absorption Spectra and Temperature Scaling of Nitric Oxide using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy. Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference. Saskatoon, SK