Hemorrhagic Fever |
Causative Agent |
Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) is a viral
disease of wild
ungulates caused by
viruses of the genus Orbivirus.
Bluetongue, a viral disease
of wild
ungulates caused by another
Orbivirus, has similar signs and symptoms.
The diseases caused by both
Bluetongue and EHD are collectively known as
hemorrhagic disease.
Images |
Click on
image to
enlarge. |
Hemorrhage in the eyes of a
white-tailed deer infected with EHD. |
Distribution |
Geographic: |
EHD is widely distributed in both temperate and tropical regions of the
world, but in free-ranging wildlife has only been reported in North America.
In BC, it has been reported in bighorn sheep (Ovis
canadensis) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus
virginianus) in the Okanagan Valley.
Seasonality: |
EHD occurs in late summer and early fall. This is thought to be related
to seasonal wind patterns moving the insect
vector northwards from
endemic areas in the USA.
Hosts and Transmission |
Hosts: |
Primarily white-tailed deer and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus); less frequently elk, pronghorn antelope and
bighorn sheep.
Severity of EHD is quite variable and may be related to herd
Transmission: |
EHD is transmitted by various species of Culicoides midges (commonly
called no-see-ums).
virus enters the blood of hosts
from the midge. In some species,
viral replication may occur in
the walls of blood vessels.
Blood vessels are damaged
leading to numerous small and large
hemorrhages - hence, the
hemorrhagic nature of this disease.
Signs and Symptoms |
Signs are variable, ranging from none to sudden death.
Sick and dead animals are often found near water.
Other signs include:
swelling of the face,
tongue, neck and
conjunctiva of the eyes;
lack of appetite;
weakness and incoordination;
excessive salivation, often
nasal discharge, often
bloody diarrhea;
hemorrhaging in many tissues including
the skin,
gastrointestinal tract, heart, testicles;
ulcers in the tissues of the
mouth, tongue and stomach;
breathing difficulty;
recumbancy (lying down);
overgrown/cracked hooves.
Meat Edible? |
EHD does not infect humans, and eating venison from deer with EHD is not
dangerous; however, secondary infections that may occur as the
disease progresses can render venison unfit for consumption.
The meat should not be fed to dogs.
Human Health Concerns and
Risk Reduction |
virus is not associated with
human disease.
Samples for Diagnosis |
The whole body should be submitted for post mortem.
Immunological tests can verify if EHD
virus is present in the following
tissues, which should be REFRIGERATED
blood collected with
anti-coagulant and the spleen (best);
lymph node, lung or bone marrow.
Further Reading |