Manual of Common Diseases and Parasites of Wildlife in Northern British Columbia
Second Edition
Credits and Acknowledgements
Manual Compiled By:
  • Michael J.R. Miller, Cobble Hill BC
  • Russell D. Dawson, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George BC
  • Helen Schwantje, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Victoria BC
Website Designed By:
  • Michael .J.R. Miller, Cobble Hill BC
Website Constructed By:
  • Russell D. Dawson, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George BC
  • Funding for the First Edition of the manual was provided by the Northern Land Use Institute, University of Northern British Columbia. Funding for the Second Edition was provided by the  BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, and the Office of Research at the University of Northern British Columbia.
  • We thank all persons and organizations who kindly provided the photographs and diagrams used in this manual. All photographs and diagrams have been used with permission.
  • We are grateful to Alex Hawley for encouraging us to initially undertake this project, and to Tony Redford for providing comments on a previous draft of the Second Edition of the manual.
  • We also thank Brett Elkin for giving us permission to use Common Wildlife Diseases and Parasites in the NWT and Nunavut as a template for this project.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, all material in this manual © 2014, M.J.R. Miller, R.D. Dawson, and H. Schwantje.
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