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Katherine L. Parker University of Northern British Columbia |
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Barboza, P.S., K.L. Parker, and I.D. Hume. 2009.
Integrative Wildlife Nutrition. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
342 pp.
Aikens, E.O., A. Mysterud, J.A. Merkle, F. Cagnacci, I.M. Rivrud, M. Hebblewhite, M.A. Hurley, W. Peters, S. Bergen, J. De Groeve, S.P.H. Dwinnell, B. Gehr, M. Heurich, A.J.M. Hewison, A. Jarnemo, P. Kjellander, M. Krschel, A. Licoppe, J. Linnell, E.H. Merrill, A.D. Middleton, N. Morellet, L. Neufeld, A.C. Ortega, K.L. Parker, L. Pedrotti, K.M. Proffitt, S. Said, H. Sawyer, B.M. Scurlock, J. Signer, P. Stent, P. Šustr, T. Szkorupa, K.L. Monteith, and M.J. Kauffman. 2020. Wave-like patterns of plant phenology determine ungulate migration tactics across northern temperate ecosystems. Current Biology 30:1-6. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.06.032)
Tyler, N.J.C., P. Gregorini, K.L. Parker, and D.G. Hazlerigg. 2020. Animal responses to environmental variation: physiological mechanisms in ecological models of performance in deer (Cervidae). Animal Production Science 60:1248-1270.
Denryter, K.A., R.C. Cook, J.G. Cook, K.L. Parker, and M.P. Gillingham. 2020. State-dependent foraging by caribou with different nutritional requirements. Journal of Mammalogy 101:544-557. (https://doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyaa003)
Mumma, M., M.P. Gillingham, C. Johnson, K.L. Parker. 2019. Functional responses to anthropogenic linear features in a complex predator-multi-prey system. Landscape Ecology 34:2575-2597. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-019-00905-9 ).
Sittler, K.L., K.L. Parker, and M.P. Gillingham. 2019. Vegetation and prescribed fire: implications for Stone’s sheep and elk. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:393–409. (https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.21591)
Suzuki, N., and K.L. Parker. 2019. Proactive conservation of high-value habitat for woodland caribou and grizzly bears in the boreal zone of British Columbia, Canada. Biological Conservation 230:91-103. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2018.12.013)
Mumma, M.M., M.P. Gillingham, K.L. Parker, C.J. Johnson, and M. Watters. 2018. Predation risk for boreal woodland caribou in human-modified landscapes: evidence of wolf spatial responses independent of apparent competition. Biological Conservation 228:215–223. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2018.09.015)
Mumma, M.A., M.P. Gillingham, K.L. Parker, and C.J. Johnson. 2018. Where beavers (Castor canadensis) build: testing the influence of habitat quality, predation risk, and anthropogenic disturbance on colony occurrence. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96:897-904. (https://doi.org/10.1139/cjz-2019-0066)
Denryter, K.A., R.C. Cook, J.G. Cook, K.L. Parker, and M.P. Gillingham. 2018. Nutritional values of habitats for woodland caribou during summer. Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Research Extension Note 12. University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia. 17 pp.
Mumma, M.M., M.P. Gillingham, C.J. Johnson, and K.L. Parker. 2017. Understanding predation risk and individual variation in risk avoidance for threatened boreal caribou. Ecology and Evolution 7:10266-10277. (https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.3563)
McCulley, A.M., K.L. Parker, and M.P. Gillingham. 2017. Yukon moose: I. Seasonal resource selection by males and females in a multi-predator boreal ecosystem. Alces 173: 113-136.
McCulley, A.M., K.L. Parker, and M.P. Gillingham. 2017. Yukon moose: II. Range sizes, movement rates, and use of elevation and land cover by males and females. Alces 174:137-157.
Denryter, K.L., R.C. Cook, J.G. Cook, and K.L. Parker. 2017. Straight from the caribou’s (Rangifer tarandus) mouth: detailed observations of tame caribou reveal new insights into summer-autumn diets. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95:81-94. (https://doi.org/10.1139/cjz-2016-0114)
Suzuki, N., and K.L. Parker. 2016. Potential conflict between future development of natural resources and high-value wildlife habitats in boreal landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 25:3043-3073. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-016-1219-2)
Sittler, K.L., K.L. Parker, and M.P. Gillingham. 2015. Resource separation by mountain ungulates on a landscape modified by fire. 2015. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:591-604. (https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.869)
Sittler, K.L., K.L. Parker , M.P. Gillingham, R.D. Wheate, and D.C. Heard. 2014. Burning for northern mountain ungulates: effects of prescribed fire. NRESi Research Extension Note Number 9, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC., 18 pp.
Steenweg, R.W., M.P. Gillingham, K.L. Parker, and D.C. Heard. 2015. Considering sampling approaches when determining carnivore diets: the importance of where, how, and when scats are collected. Mammal Research 60: 207-216.
Le Saout, S., S. Chollet, S. Chamaillé-Jammes, L. Blanc, S Padié, T. Verchere, A.J. Gaston, M.P. Gillingham, O. Gimenez, K.L. Parker, D. Picot, H. Verheyden, and J.-L. Martin. 2014. Understanding the paradox of deer persisting at high abundance in heavily browsed habitats. Wildlife Biology 20:122-135.
Yannic, G., L. Pellissier, J. Ortego, , N. Lecomte, S. Couturier, C. Cuyler, C. Dussault, K. Hundertmark, R. Irvine, D.Jenkins, L. Kolpashikov, K. Mager, M. Musiani, K. Parker, K. Røed, T. Sipko, S. Þórisson, B. Weckworth, A. Guisan, L. Bernatchez, and S. Côté. 2014. Genetic diversity in caribou linked to past and future climate change. Nature Climate Change 4:132-137.
Parker, K.L. 2013. Nutritional ecology. Pp. 156-173 in P.R. Krausman and J.W. Cain III (eds). Wildlife management: contemporary principles and practices. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
Parker, K.L., and P.S. Barboza. 2013. Hand-rearing wild caribou calves for studies of nutritional ecology. Journal of Zoo Biology 32:163-171.
Milakovic, B., and K.L. Parker. 2013. Quantifying carnivory by grizzly bears in a multi-ungulate system. Journal of Wildlife Management 77: 39-47.
Gustine, D.D., P.S. Barboza, J.P. Lawler, L.G. Adams, K.L. Parker, S.M. Arthur, and B.S. Shults. 2012. Diversity of nitrogen isotopes and protein status in caribou: implications for monitoring northern ungulates. Journal of Mammalogy 93:778-790.
Milakovic, B., K.L. Parker, D.D. Gustine, R.J. Lay, A.B.D. Walker, and M.P. Gillingham. 2012. Seasonal habitat use and selection by grizzly bears in northern British Columbia. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:170-180.
Gustine, D.D., P.S. Barboza, L.G. Adams, R.G. Farnell, and K. L. Parker. 2011. An isotopic approach to measuring nitrogen balance in caribou. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:178-188.
Milakovic, B., and K.L. Parker. 2011. Using stable isotopes to define diets of wolves in northern British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Mammalogy 92:295-304.
Milakovic, B., K.L. Parker, D.D. Gustine, R.J. Lay, A.B.D. Walker, and M.P. Gillingham. 2011. Habitat selection by a focal predator (Canis lupus) in a multi-prey ecosystem of the northern Rockies. Journal of Mammalogy 92:568-582.
Silver, R.S., N. K. Dawe, B.M. Starzomski, K.L. Parker, and D.W. Nagorsen. 2011. A tribute to Ian Mctaggart-Cowan 1910-2010, O.C., O.B.C., PhD, LL.D, F.R.S.C.. Canadian Field Naturalist 124:367-383.
Parker, K.L., P.S. Barboza, and M.P. Gillingham. 2009. Nutrition integrates environmental responses of ungulates. Functional Ecology 23:57-69.
Ayotte, J.B., K.L.
Parker, and M.P. Gillingham. 2008. Use of natural licks by four
ungulate species in north-central
Barboza, P.S., and K.L. Parker. 2008. Allocating protein to reproduction in arctic reindeer and caribou. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81: 835-855.
Gillingham, M.P., and
K.L. Parker. 2008. Differential habitat selection by moose and elk
in the Besa-Prophet Area of northern
Gillingham, M.P., and
K.L. Parker. 2008. The importance of individual variation in
defining habitat selection by moose in northern
Gustine, D.D., and
K.L. Parker. 2008. Variation in seasonal selection of resources by
woodland caribou in northern
Gustine, D.D., K.L.
Parker, and D.C. Heard. 2007. Using ultrasound measurements of rump
fat to assess nutritional condition of woodland caribou in northern
Walker, A.B.D., K.L. Parker, M.P. Gillingham, D.D. Gustine, and R.J. Lay. 2007. Habitat selection and movements of Stone's sheep in relation to vegetation, topography and risk of predation. Ecoscience 14:55-70.
Ayotte, J.B., K.L. Parker, J.M. Arocena, and M.P. Gillingham. 2006. Chemical composition of lick soils: functions of soil ingestion by four ungulate species. Journal of Mammalogy 87:878-888.
Barboza, P.S., and K.L. Parker. 2006. Body protein stores and isotopic indicators of N balance in female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) during winter. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79:628-644.
Gustine, D.D., K.L. Parker, R.J. Lay, M.P. Gillingham, and D.C. Heard. 2006. Calf survival of woodland caribou in a multi-predator ecosystem. Wildlife Monographs 165:1-32.
Gustine, D.D., K.L. Parker, R.J. Lay, M.P. Gillingham, and D.C. Heard. 2006. Interpreting resource selection at different scales for woodland caribou in winter. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1601-1614.
Johnson, C.J., K.L. Parker, D.C. Heard, and M.P. Gillingham. 2006. Unrealistic animal movement rates as behavioural bouts: a reply. Journal of Animal Ecology 75:303-308.
Walker, A.B.D., K.L. Parker, and M.P. Gillingham. 2006. Behaviour, habitat associations and intrasexual differences of female Stone's sheep. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:1187-1201.
Parker, K.L., P.S. Barboza, and T.R. Stephenson. 2005. Protein conservation in female caribou (Rangifer tarandus): effects of diet quality during winter. Journal of Mammalogy 86: 610-622.
Walker, A.B.D. and K.L. Parker. 2006. Fecal glucocorticoid concentrations of free-ranging Stone's sheep. Biennial Symposium of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council 15:131-140.
Gau, R.J., R. Mulders,
Johnson, C.J., K.L. Parker, D.C. Heard, and D.R. Seip. 2004. Movements, foraging habits, and habitat-use strategies of northern woodland caribou: implications for forest practices. Journal of Ecosystem Management 5:22-35.
Parker, K.L. 2003. Advances in the nutritional ecology of cervids at different scales. EcoScience 10:395-411.
Johnson, C.J., N.D.
Alexander, R.D. Wheate, and K.L. Parker. 2003. Characterizing
woodland caribou habitat in sub-boreal and boreal forests.
Johnson, C.J., D.C.
Heard, and K.L. Parker. 2002.
Expectations and realities of
Johnson, C.J., K.L. Parker, D.C. Heard, and M.P. Gillingham. 2002. Movement parameters of ungulates and scale-specific responses to the environment. Journal of Animal Ecology 71:225-235.
Johnson, C.J., K.L. Parker, D.C. Heard, and M.P. Gillingham. 2002. A multi-scale behavioral approach to understanding the movements of woodland caribou. Ecological Applications 12:1840-1860.
Gillingham, M.P., K.L. Parker, and T.A. Hanley. 2001. Habitat use by black-tailed deer in relation to rate of forage intake. Alces 37:339-352.
Hood, G.A., and K.L.
Parker. 2001. The impact of human activities on grizzly bear habitat
Johnson, C.J., K.L. Parker, and D.C. Heard. 2001. Foraging across a variable landscape: behavioural decisions made by woodland caribou at multiple spatial scales. Oecologia 127:590-602.
Cotton, C.L., and K.L. Parker. 2000. Winter activity patterns of northern flying squirrels in sub-boreal forests. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:1896-1901.
Cotton, C.L., and K.L. Parker. 2000. Winter habitat and nest trees used by northern flying squirrels in sub-boreal forests. Journal of Mammalogy 81:1071-1086.
Gillingham, M.P., K.L. Parker, and T.A. Hanley. 2000. Partial consumption of shield fern, Dryopteris dilatata, rhizomes by black-tailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis, and its potential implications. Canadian Field Naturalist 114:21-25.
Johnson, C.J., K. L.
Parker, and D.C. Heard. 2000. Feeding site selection by woodland
caribou in northcentral
Parker, K.L., M.P. Gillingham, T.A. Hanley, and C.T. Robbins. 1999. Energy and protein balance of free-ranging black-tailed deer in a natural forest environment. Wildlife Monograph No. 143. 48 pp.
Johnson, C.J., K.L.
Parker, and D.C. Heard. 1999. A multi-scale approach to
understanding the feeding habits, movements and distribution of
woodland caribou in northcentral
Katzner, T.E., and
K.L. Parker. 1998. Long distance movements from established burrow
sites by pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) in
Gillingham, M.P., K.L. Parker, and T.A. Hanley. 1997. Forage intake by large herbivores in a natural environment: bout dynamics. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75:1118-1128.
Katzner, T.E., and
K.L. Parker. 1997. Vegetative characteristics and size of pygmy
rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis)
home ranges during winter in southwestern
Katzner, T.E., K.L. Parker, and H.H. Harlow. 1997. Metabolism and thermal response in winter-acclimatized pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis). Journal of Mammalogy 78:1053-1062.
Martin, S.K., and K. L. Parker. 1997. Growth rates and morphological dimensions of bottle-raised pronghorn neonates. Journal of Mammalogy 78:23-30.
Parker, K.L., M.P. Gillingham, T.A. Hanley, and C.T. Robbins. 1996. Foraging efficiency: energy expenditure versus energy gain in free-ranging black-tailed deer. Canadian Journal of Zoology 74:442-450.
Parker, K.L., G.D. DelGiudice, and M.P. Gillingham. 1993. Do urinary urea nitrogen and cortisol ratios of creatinine reflect body fat reserves in black-tailed deer? Canadian Journal of Zoology 71:1841-1848.
Parker, K.L., M.P. Gillingham, and T.A. Hanley. 1993. An accurate technique for estimating forage intake of tractable animals. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71:1462-1465.
Parker, K.L., M.P.
Gillingham, T.A. Hanley, and C.T. Robbins. 1993. Seasonal patterns
in body weight, body condition, and water transfer rates of
free-ranging and captive black-tailed deer (Odocoileus
hemionus sitkensis) in
Gillingham, M.P., and K.L. Parker. 1992. Simple timing device increases reliability of recording telemetric activity data. Journal of Wildlife Management 56:191-196.
Parker, K.L., and M.P. Gillingham. 1990. Estimates of critical thermal environments for mule deer. Journal of Range Management 43:73-81.
Parker, K.L., R.G. White, M.P. Gillingham, and D.F. Holleman. 1990. Comparison of energy metabolism in relation to daily activity and milk consumption by caribou and muskox neonates. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:106-114.
Bunnell, F.L., K.L. Parker, R.S. McNay, and F.W. Hovey. 1990. Sinking depths of black-tailed deer in snow, and their indices. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:917-922.
Bunnell, F.L., F.W. Hovey, R.S. McNay, and K.L. Parker. 1990. Forest cover, snow conditions, and black-tailed deer sinking depths. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:2403-2408.
Parker, K.L. 1989. Effects of heat, cold, and rain on black-tailed deer. Canadian Journal of Zoology 66:2475-2483.
Parker, K.L. 1989. Growth rates and morphological measurements of Porcupine caribou calves. Rangifer 9:9-13.
Wong, B., and K.L. Parker. 1988. Estrus in black-tailed deer. Journal of Mammalogy 69:168-171.
Parker, K.L. 1987. Body surface measurements of mule deer and elk. Journal of Wildlife Management 51:630-633.
Parker, K.L., and B. Wong. 1987. Raising black-tailed deer fawns at natural growth rates. Canadian Journal of Zoology 65: 20-23.
Parker, K.L., C.T.
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habitat selection by deer (Abstract only). P. 458 in P.F. Fennessy
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Parker, K.L., and C.T. Robbins. 1984. Thermoregulation in mule deer and elk. Canadian Journal of Zoology 62: 1409-1422.
Parker, K.L., C.T.
Robbins, and T.A. Hanley. 1984. Energy expenditures for locomotion
by mule deer and elk. Journal of Wildlife Management 48: 474-488.