500 North Star Road, Quesnel BC, V2J 5P6 250-992-8200 |
The Arts and Recreation Centre is open seven days a week and host the Quesnel Art Gallery and Gift shop, the Artium, the pottery studio, a variety of meeting rooms, a fitness center, and swimming pool. The Atrium has a permanent art exhibit which is open to the public at no cost. The art gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10am-4pm. The fitness Centre is open during all public hours and includes treadmills, elliptical trainers, step machines, recumbent and up right bicycles. There are a variety of free weights and single and multi station weight training machines. The Gym is accessible for thos individuals, using a wheelchair with a variety of weight station and an active and an active passive trainer. The swimming area includes a 25 meter with a one meter diving board and a rope swing. There is a warm leisure pool, two dry saunas, steam sauna and a whirlpool for those over 13 years old. We rent a variety of rooms to the general public for both private and community events. The room occupancy varies depending on the amount of furniture in the room and if alcohol is being served. Meeting Room (12) Board Room (12-32) Lounge (30-48) Multipurpose Room (50-65) West Fraser Timber Room (175-236) For more information contact Sue at 250-992-8200
RECREATION PASS Every person who uses the Arts and Recreation Centre or the Twin Arenas should have a Recreation Pass. Customers who do not present the pass when purchasing public admissions or registering for programs, will pay 25% more than those customers with the pass in their possession. All rental groups need all of their members to have passes or the rental group will pay non resident rental fee. WHY THE PASS? The pass ensures that residents who pay for the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks function through annual taxation do not subsidize the use of the facilities by residents of non contributing areas. Customers who live in the taxation area, receive the pass free, while non residents pay $70 per individual or $125 per family for the pass. Passes, like taxes, are issued based on a calendar year (January 1 – December 31).
WHEN TO RENEW YOUR PASS Most existing resident and non resident passes expire December 31, 2010. Some residents who acquired a pass this year will not need to renew their passes until December 2011. Non resident pass fees are still the same: $70 for an individual and $125 for a family. Resident passes are free.
Friday, December 10, 2010 02:41:03 PM