The Lee Lab

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If you are interested in RNA research as it relates to human diseases, especially cancer, then you should contact me to discuss about the possibility of joining my lab.  I am always happy and excited to listen and talk to students about their ideas and goals, and help them progress in their career (in research or any other professional career) in any way I can.


In the Lee Lab, we used a variety of techniques (biochemical, biophysical, molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, proteomics, and bioinformatics) to help us answer important biomedical questions.  In addition to developing superior technical skills, you are trained to think critically.  Since publications is the measure of accomplishment, productivity and competitiveness, in the Lee Lab, we strongly encourage students and assist students (both undergraduate and graduate) in publishing their work.  Please click on the Publications button above to see the evidence and our publications.



For Undergraduate Students

If you wish to explore the option of scientific research research in a supportive environment that emphasizes teamwork, consider working in the lab as a volunteer, summer research fellow, or independent study student (CHEM 499 Research Project).  Depending on your level of experience and comfort in the lab, you may work on a team with other students, or work independently on your own research project.  You decide how far and how fast you want to proceed with your project. 


In the Lee Lab, undergraduate students who had successfully completed their research projects (as summer research fellow and/or as independent study student in CHEM 499 Research Project), are co-authored in papers published from the lab.  Please click on the Publications button above to see the evidence.



For Graduate Students

As a graduate student in the Lee Lab, you will receive world class training in various scientific techniques.  You will develop scientific thoughts, critical thinking skills, and creativity through classes, seminars, lab meetings and participation in scientific conferences.  Most importantly, upon successful completion of your graduate thesis you will publish your research work and any written review articles in reputable journals, as the first author.  Please click on the Publications button above to see the evidence.



For Postdoctoral Fellows

As a postdoc in the Lee Lab, you will enjoy the opportunity to be as independent as you wish, and the freedom to develop your own projects to take with when you leave to set up your own lab.  Pending availability, you will also have the opportunity to teach some courses on campus in order to increase your competitiveness and to broaden your academic expertise.