D.S., Kruger, E.L., Stanosz, G.R. and Isebrands, J.G. 2001.
Light-use efficiency
of native and hybrid poplar genotypes at high levels of intra-canopy
competition. Canadian
Journal of
Green, D.S. and Kruger, E.L. 2001. Light-mediated constraints on leaf function correlate with leaf structure among deciduous and evergreen tree species. Tree Physiology. 21: 1341-1346.
D.S., Stanosz, G.R. and Kruger, E.L. 2003.
Effects of polyethylene mulch in a short-rotation, poplar plantation
vary with weed-control strategies, site quality and clone.
D.S., Erickson, J.E, and Kruger, E.L. 2003. Foliar morphology and canopy nitrogen as predictors of
light-use efficiency in terrestrial vegetation. Agricultural and
Green, D.S. 2004. Describing condition-specific determinants of competition in boreal and sub-boreal mixedwood stands. The Forestry Chronicle. 80: 736-742
Green, D.S. 2005. Adaptive strategies in seedlings of three co-occurring, ecologically distinct northern coniferous tree species across an elevational gradient. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:910-917.
Green, D.S. and Hawkins, C.D.B. 2005. Competitive interactions in sub-boreal birch–spruce forests differ on opposing slope aspects. Forest Ecology and Management 214: 1-10.
Green, D.S. Interactions between photoperiod and temperature in growth phenology for three ecologically distinct northern conifers. In Preparation
Maxwell, S. and Green, D.S. Characterizing windthrow patterns in wildlife tree patches in the Boreal White and Black Spruce Zone. In Preparation.
Griesbauer, H. and D.S. Green. 2006. Examining the utility of advance regeneration for reforestation and timber production in unsalvaged stands killed by the mountain pine beetle: Controlling factors and management implications. B.C. Journal of Ecosystems and Management 7(2):81–92.
Green, D.S. In Press. Controls of growth phenology vary in seedlings of three co-occurring, ecologically distinct Northern conifers. Tree Physiology
Green, D.S. 2006. Phenological controls among ecologically distinct Northern conifers. Presentation at the Western Forest Genetics Association annual meeting, June 29, Anchorage, Alaska.
Green, D.S. 2005. Adaptive biology of ecologically distinct coniferous trees: Implications for climate change. Conference on Rapid Landscape Change. June 15-17, Whitehorse, YT. Conference presentation.
Green, D.S. 2005. Competitive interactions in sub-boreal mixedwood forests on opposing slope aspects. Northern Silviculture Committee Meetings. 19-21 January. Prince George, BC. Invited Presentation.
Green, D.S. 2004. Integrating ecological differences among tree species in climate change models. Climate change workshop, B.C. Ministry of Forests – Research Branch, 18 February. Invited presentation.
D.S. 2003. What's a poor tree
to do when everything in its world is changing?
Yukon Science Institute Public Lecture Series on
Climate Change in the North. Beringia
Interpretive Centre. November 23,
D.S. 2003. A perspective on forest response to climate
change in the North. Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Research Colloquium
D.S. 2003. Quantifying the responses of major tree
species to climatic variation across primary environmental gradients in
northern regions. Poster presentation - Climate Change
in the Western and
D.S. 2003. Climate-change implications in
D.S. 2001. Some implications of climate change for the
management of
D.S. 2000. Identifying
ecologically based selection criteria among native and hybrid poplar in a
high-density plantation. Proceedings of the 21st Session International Poplar Commission.