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(Rego) Humic Gleysolic Soil
Humic Gleysols have dark colored A horizon and occur on poorly drained
locations. They are associated with Chernozemic, Luvisolic, Podzolic and
Brunisolic soils. Estimated distribution of Humic Gleysols is about 35,000
km2 or roughly 0.4% of Ca nada. THey can be found across the country. In
the landscape, they are normally situated in the local depressional areas
and pothole basins of moderately undulating to strongly rolling totpography.
The parent materials are normally calcareous but some Humic Gleysols in the Fraser lowland of BC are developed on noncalcareous glacial, marine and outwash deposits. Selected properties:They have1. Ah at least 10 cm thick or mixed Ap horizon with the following properties: a). at least 2% OM b). rubbed color of value of 3.5 or less (moist), or 5.0 or less (dry) c). at least 1.5 units of color value (m) lower than next underlying horizon if the color value of the horizon (m) is 4 or more, or one unit of color value lower than that of the underlying horizon if color value is less than 4. 2. no Bt horizon. (Rego) Humic GleysolsCommon horizon sequence: LFH or O, Ah, Cg |