Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzolic Soils

They are characterized by the accumulation of iron and aluminum in the brownish-colored B horizon. Humo-ferric Podzols occur mainly under coniferous, mixed and decidous forest. They developed mainly on well-drained sites under Boreal and Cryoboreal humid to perhumid climates. They occur mainly in Eastern Canada. 

These soils are developed mainly on coarse-textured, iron-rich, non-calcareous or materials where carbonates have been removed. 

Selected properties:

1. They have a podzolic B horizon at least 10 cm thick. 

2. Do not have have Ah, Bh or Bhf horizon at least 10 cm thick, an orstein at least 3 cm thick, a placic, a duric, a fragipan, a Bt horizon, nor evidence of gleying in the form of distinct or prominent mottles within 1 m of the surface 

Common horizon sequence: LFH, Ae, Bf, BC, C 


Soil Profile Description and Chemical and Physical Properties