Orthic Brown Chernozemic soils 

Brown Chernozemic soils are associated with xerophytic grasses and forbs or with mixed grass and forb vegetation. They are the zonal soils of the Boreal subarid climate in the prairie region. Most of the Brown Chernozemic soils are in the southern parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta and some in the southern plateau of interior British Columbia. 

Estimated area of mapping units with Brown Chernozemic soils as dominant is about 100,230 km2 or roughly 1.1% of the land area of Canada. 

These soils are developed mainly on weakly to moderately calcareous glacial tills, and lacustrine and fluvial deposits. Some are also found on aeolian, alluvial and colluvial materials. 

Selected properties: 

1. Chernozemic Ah horizon with color value darker than 3.5 (moist) and 4.5-5.5 (dry). 

2. B horizon (Bm, Btj, Bt) at least 5 cm thick that does not contain alkaline earth carbonates 

3. Lack an eluvial horizon (Ahe, Ae, Aej) at least 2 cm thick. 

4. Do not have Bnjtj 

5. Do not have evidence of gleying 

Common Horizon Sequence:

Ah, Bm or Btj, Cca or Ck 


Soil Profile Description and Chemical and Physical Properties