Orthic Brown Chernozemic soils 

Profile description

Ah (0 to 15 cm) Grayish brown (10YR 5/2 d) fine sandy loam; moderate, medium subangular blocky breaking to moderate to strong, fine granular; friable; abundant, fine random roots; abrupt, wavy boundary; 12 to 17 cm thick 

Bm (15 to 38 cm) Dark brown (10YR 4/3 m) fine sandy loam; moderate, mediumprismatic breaking into strong, medium, subangular blocky; firm; plentiful, fine vertical roots; gradual, wavy boundary; 19 to 26 cm thick 

BC (38 to 61 cm) 

CK (66 to 91 cm) Light brownish gray (10YR 6/2 m) fine sandy loam; moderate, coarse prismatic breaking into moderate, medium subangular blocky; very firm; few, very fine vertical roots; gradual wavy boundary; 22 to 27 cm thick 

Orthic Brown Chernozem -Chemical Properties 
Horizons  pH  OM(%)  CEC Ca2+  Mg2+  Na+ K+ 
(cmolc kg-1
Ah 7.6 1.36 15.4  12.1 3.2 1.2 1.1 
Bm 6.9 1.30 18.0  11.9 4.6 1.0 0.4 
Ck 7.8 - 14.4 - -

Orthic Brown Chernozem -Physical Properties 
Horizons  Sand  Silt  Clay  BD 
Ah 66 17 17
Bm 62 19 19
Ck 70 11 19

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