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Black Solodized Solonetzic SoilsSolodized Solonetz have an Ae horizon and hard columnar Bnt horizon. They have distinct Ae horizon at least 2 cm thick. They are associated with mesophytic grasses and forbs and in areas of discontinuous shrub and tree vegetation and subhumid cli mate. Black Solodized Solonetz is the intergrade between Solonetzic and Chernozemic soil orders. The parent materials are mostly glacial in origin ranging from glacial till to lacustrine and most are calcareous. Selected properties:They have1. Ah, Ahe or AP horizon with color valuee lower than 3.5 dry and chromas lower than 2 dry 2. no indications of mottlings. Common horizon sequence: Ah, Ae, Bnt or Bn, Csk |