Black Solodized Solonetzic Soils

Profile description

Ah (0 to 25 cm) Very dark brown (10YR 2/2) loam; weak coarse prismatic to granular; the lower part may be an Ahe 

Ae (25 to 28 cm) Grey brown (10YR 5/2) loam; platy 

Bnt1 (28 to 50 cm) Dark brown (10YR 4/3) clay loam; strong round topped columnar that is very hard and stained 

Bnt2 (50 to 65 cm) Dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/3) clay loam; hard columnar to blocky; stained 

Csk (65 to 125 cm) Dark greyish brown (2.5YR 4/2-10YR 4/2) loam to clay loam; massive; slightly hard 

C (125+ cm) Dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2); loam; massive; slightly hard 

(Black) Solodized -Chemical Properties 
Horizons  pH  N(%)  CEC Na+ K+ Ca2++ Mg2++ 
(cmolc kg-1
Ah 5.9 0.77 35  2 2 53 19 
Ah2 6.0 0.29 20  7 1 35 20 
Ae 6.6 0.06 12 16  2 30 34 
Bnt 7.3 0.11 28 20  2 31 47 
Bm 7.9 0.05 25 18  2 37 43 
Ck 7.9 - - - -
Csk 7.8 - - - -

(Black)Solodized Solonetz -Physical Properties 
Horizons  Sand  Silt  Clay 
Ah1 35 42 23 
Ah2 42 38 20 
Ae 36 49 15 
Bnt 25 38 37 
Bm 40 31 29 
Ck 44 30 26 
Csk 45 31 24 


Clayton, J.S., W.A. Ehlrich, D.B. Cann, J. H. Day and I.B. Marshall. 1977. Soils of Canada Vol 1. Soil report. Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa

Agriculture Canada Expert Committee on Soil survey. 1987. The Canadian System of Soil Classification. 2nd ed. Agric. Can. Publ. 1646. 164 pp.

Bowser, W.E., A.A. Kjearsgaard, T.W. Peters and R.E. Wells. 1962. Soil Survey of Edmonton Sheet (83-H). Univ. of Alberta Bulletin No. ss-4. 

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