Last modified: 2023-01-23
This is a web-page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia


The University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) Senate is the senior academic decision making body of the University.

Together, it and the Board of Governors provide the governance of the University of Northern British Columbia as set out by provincial statute in the University Act.

Current Service

David Casperson intends to serve (if nominated) on the Senate Committee on Academic Affairs.

Previous Service

David Casperson was most recently elected to the UNBC Senate in Winter 2017 to serve a term until 2020-03-31.

Casperson was elected to the UNBC Senate in Fall 2005 to serve a term from 2006-02 until 2009-04. He was re-elected twice and served on Senate until December 2013, when he resigned to go on sabbatical. He was replaced by Daniel Erasmus.

Previous Committees

Casperson previously served on committees as follows:

See the Senate Handbook for committee descriptions. The SCAPP merged with the SCRGS to become the current SCAAf. “AVI” stands for “Academic Visioning Initiative”, an academic planning exercise led by then-Provost Brunt.


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