Last modified: 2019-10-13
This is a web-page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

Steering Committee of Senate (SCS)

David Casperson is a member of the Steering Committee of Senate.

This is not an official web-page of the University of Northern British Columbia or its Senate. Nor have the contents of this web-page been endorsed by the Steering Committee of Senate.

The mandate of this committee is:

  • To prepare the agenda package for Senate meetings.
  • To act as a clearing house for material being prepared by the Senate committees and to ensure the orderly and timely conduct of Senate business.
  • To consider and rule upon requests by Senators for leaves of absence longer than three consecutive ordinary meetings (see Handbook 3(h)(iii).
  • To review and recommend changes on matters relating to the governance of Senate, its Committees and the Senate Handbook.
  • From time to time, in consultation with the Board of Governors, to establish an ad hoc committee to govern, keep in proper order and advise on real property, buildings and structures of the University.
  • To serve as the Senate standing committee empowered to consider and refer to Senate, or to the appropriate Senate committee, all matters that may be referred to the Senate by the Board.


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