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setBarBlackCount(int) - Method in class gui.Board
Set the number of Black pieces on the bar.
setBarWhiteCount(int) - Method in class gui.Board
Set the number of White pieces on the bar.
setBlackCount(int) - Method in class gui.Bar
sets the number of Black pieces on the bar.
setCountAndColour(PlayerColor, int) - Method in class gui.BoardPoint
set how many disks/color to place on this point
setPointBlackCount(int, int) - Method in class gui.Board
Set a point count.
setPointCount(PlayerColor, int, int) - Method in class gui.Board
Set a point count.
setPointWhiteCount(int, int) - Method in class gui.Board
Set a point count.
setupBoard() - Static method in class test.Test1
setupFrame(Board) - Static method in class test.Test2
setupStartConfiguration(Board) - Static method in class test.Test2
setWhiteCount(int) - Method in class gui.Bar
sets the number of Black pieces on the bar.
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