Last modified: 2019-12-17
This is a course page of
David Casperson
You are here: homeSemestersFall 2018
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

Fall 2018 Web Pages

Tuesday, December 17
The UNBC Faculty Association and the administration have both agreed to Special Mediator Sones recommendations, and all job action has ceased.
Friday, November 29

The UNBC Faculty Association withdraws pickets at 4:30pm, and begins a work-to-rule campaign while waiting for the Labour Relations Board to rule on a complaint of bad-faith bargaining.

Tuesday, November 26
This page updated.
Monday, November 4

The UNBC Faculty Association served 72 hour strike notice at 7 a.m. on Monday November 4.

Accordingly, it is possible that there may be pickets and a strike staring Thursday morning at 7am.

UNBC FA information about negotiations can be found here.

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CPSC 200 [Other years]
CPSC 320 [Other years]
CPSC 370 [Other years]
David’s Schedule

UNBC Undergraduate Calendar
