Last modified: 2019-10-13
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 370: Functional and Logic Programming


These policies apply to CPSC 370 taught in Prince George in the Fall 2012 semester.

Don't. First offenses result in a grade of -100% on the assignment in question and formal notification of the College Dean. Allowing someone to copy your work is cheating. The UNBC Calendar describes academic offenses and possible penalties in more detail.
Marking Scheme Changes:
I reserve the right to change weightings given in the marking scheme on the course outline. Students are guaranteed that their letter grade will not decrease as the result of such a change.
Attendance in this course is the student's responsibility and is not monitored by the instructor. Students are entirely responsible for being aware of material discussed in lecture, even if they are unavoidably prevented from attending.
Submission Standards:
All non-programming homework must be submitted on paper that is approximately 8½×11″. All non-programming homework must be stapled in the top left-hand corner; have a complete name and student number in the top right hand corner; and be easily readable.
Examination Policies:
Students are responsible for being aware of all relevant examination policies. Click here for examination policies common to all courses.
Programming Homework Submission :
Not yet written.
Cell phones:
Please avoid being disruptive. Cell-phones are forbidden during examinations.
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