Last modified: 2023-12-28
This is a course page of
David Casperson
You are here: homeSemestersFall 2018CPSC 320
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 320 — Programming Languages — Fall 2018

This page summarises information about CPSC 320.

Breaking News

Important information will be posted here from time to time.

Midterm II postponed to Thursday, 2018-11-22. My e-mail is currently broken. More information as soon as I can receive e-mail.
The class room is likely to change.
A grade of C or better in cpsc 242 and cpsc 200; or permission of instructor.
Course Content
This course is a general introduction to programming languages. It covers the fundamental concepts, evolution, design principles, and techniques for specifying syntax and semantics, data types, memory models, control structures, name binding, abstraction mechanisms, parameter passing, programming paradigms, and pragmatic evaluation of programming languages. Specific languages are addressed mainly through student presentations and laboratory work.
  • Recommended: R. W. Sebesta Programming Languages, ed. 10 or 11, Pearson.
  • Lecture slides posted on the website.
  • Reading list posted on the website.
  • Self-directed Web and Library search for literature on specific languages.
There is no required text.
Lectures are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30pm to 3:50pm
There is also an 80 minute lab scheduled for Friday at 4pm.
Handout Dates
2018-09-12 Course Syllabus
Language presentations
Each student team (normally 2–3 people) selects a different programming language approved by the course instructor and organizes a hands-on tutorial session in the lab. The presentation should include enough tutorial material for the class to actively participate. It must highlight the important characterisitcs of the chosen language.

Students in this course who, because of a disability, may have a need for special academic accommodations should discuss this with the instructor, or contact the Access Resource Centre located in the Teaching & Learning Building in Room 10-1048.

Grading Scheme and Dates:
First ClassThu, Sep 05
Thanksgiving Mon, Oct 08
Last Drop Day Thu, Oct 25
Midterm I Thu, Oct 18 25%
Remembrance DayMon, Nov 12
Course EvaluationThu, Nov 22
Midterm IITue, Nov 20 25%
Last ClassThu, Nov 29
Language Presentation 20%
Class Participation 10%
Homework & Quizzes 20%
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