Last modified: 2019-10-13
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 499 — Computational Ring Theory

Click for a printed course outline.

Course Status

See news.

Text Book

Title: Modern Computer Algebra
Author:Joachim von zur Gathen
Edition: second
ISBN-13: 9780521826464


This course is intended for students that are both mathematically and programmatically mature. At a minimum students should have had Math 320 or equivalent. The course is formally self-contained, but a good background in modern algebra and data structures is required.

Course Content

See the syllabus.

Old Midterms

Here are links to some old midterm examinations. Please make sure that you understand that I make absolutely no guarantees as to their relevance to this year’s course.

Midterm I Midterm II
2002 (pdf)

Further construction of this set of web-pages is yet to come.

David Casperson, 2011-10-04
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CPSC 100
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CPSC 101
CPSC 499
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