Last modified: 2019-12-18
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia
The following links leave my web-pages:

Fall 2006 Web Pages

In fall 2006 I am teaching:

Click on a side-bar link for more detailed course information.

General information about University dates can be found in the University Calendar link (at the top right of this page).

The following information is common to all of my courses:

Day Date Item
Mon2006-09-04 Labour Day
Tue2006-09-05 First day of University classes. The first class for cpsc 200 and cpsc 370 is Wednesday, and the first day of classes for cpsc 141 is Friday.
Mon 2006-10-09 Thanksgiving
Fri 2006-10-13 First Midterm
Wed 2006-10-18 Drop Date
Fri 2006-11-03 Second Midterm
Fri 2006-11-10 University closed in lieue of Remembrance Day
Fri 2006-11-11 Remembrance day
Wed 2006-12-06 Finals
Mon 2006-12-18
Home page Semesters Site Map
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Semester Map
CPSC 141
CPSC 200
CPSC 370
David’s Schedule
