Last modified: 2019-10-13
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 141: Discrete Computational Mathematics I (2006)


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to provide an introduction to the mathematical language, reasoning and methods; to introduce material used directly in later Computer Science courses; and, importantly, to explain how to reason mathematically.
Most of the material covered comes from Mathematical Structures for Computer Science: A Modern Treatment of Discrete Mathematics by Judith L. Gersting, . Topics include:
  • Propositional Calculus. Connectives and Truth Tables. Logical implication and equivalence. Inverses, converses, and contra-positives. Duality.
  • Predicate Calculus. Quantifiers. Negation and simplification of quantified statements.
  • Set theory. Sets and subsets. Operations and laws. Operations in terms of predicate calculus. Counting and Venn diagrams. Power sets.
  • Mathematical induction. Well-ordered sets. Strong induction.
  • Arithmetic. The division algorithm. Prime numbers. GCD's and LCM's. Euclid's algorithm.
  • Cartesian products. Relations. Functions. 1-1 and onto functions. Counting functions and relations.
  • Languages and Finite State Machines.
The list of topics may not be exactly as shown above.
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