Tobias Bolch, Curriculum Vitae
Tobias Bolch
Geography Programm
University of Northern British Columbia
3333 University Way
PrinceGeorge, BC, Cananda V2N4Z9
work: (250) 960-5899
Research Interests
Glaciers and Periglacial Environement of High Mountain Areas, Climate Change in High Mountain Areas and its Impacts, Digital Terrain Analysis, GIS and Remote Sensing
Research Regions
Western Canadian Mountains, Asian Mountains (esp. Tien Shan and Himalaya), South American Andes (esp. Mountains of the Atacama), European Alps
Ph.D. 2006: University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
PhD Thesis: “Analysis and Visualisation of Climate and Glacier Changes
in Northern Tien Shan Using GIS and Remote Sensing - With a Comparison to
the Bernina Group/Alps, Supervisors: Michael Richter, Manfred Buchroithner.
Diploma 1999: University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
Diploma Thesis: “Quantification of the Periglacial Landforms at Cerro
Sillajhuay (Chile/Bolivia) Using Interactive 3d Visualisation”, Supervisor:
Hilmar Schroeder.
Academic Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow. Geography Program, University of Northern British Columbia. Supervisors: Brian Menounos, Roger Wheate. Project: Satellite-based Glacier Inventory for Western Canada
Teaching Assistant. Institute of Geography, University Bonn. Seminar: Physical Geography.
2007 - 2005
Research Assisstant. Institute for Cartography, University of Technology Dresden, Germany. Supervisor: Manfred Buchroithner. Project: Monitoring of Glaciers and Glacial Lakes at Mt. Everest (Nepal) using ASTER satellite data and DEMs.
Research Assisstant and Project Coordinator. Institute for Georgraphy, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. Project: Interactive 3D-Visualisation in Physical Geography to Improve the Comprehension in Learning.
Research Assisstant and Project Coordinator. Institute for Georgraphy, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. Project: Interactive 3D-Visualisation in Physical Geography to Improve the Comprehension in Learning.
Graduate Assisstant. Association of Bavarian Research Cooperations, Erlangen, Germany. Supvervisor: Host Kopp. Project: Buissness Guide Jordan.
Student Assisstant. Institute for Georgraphy, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. Supervisor: H. Schroeder. Project: Periglacial Landforms at Cerro Sillajhuay in the Summer Rain Region of the Atacama.
Work Experience
2001/2000 Project Manager and GIS specialist for environemental projects at training areas of the US Army, GIBS Engineering, Nürnberg, Germany.
2001 - 1990 Owner of the Music Shop "Wild Guitar",
Erlangen, Germany.