Aquatic Plants Biol 402
Sample Exam Problems
Professor J.D. Ackerman
Environmental Science & Engineering
Please be familiar with the major terms presented in the lecture summaries.
What are the benefits of sexual reproduction?
How does the alternation of generations vary across the major aquatic plant taxa?
Can it be used as a diagnostic feature?
What the necessary conditions for evolution to occur?
In what ways does the evolution of plants differ from that of animals?
What is an adaption?
Why are algae both ecologically and economically important?
How can photopigments be used to differenitiate among plant taxa?
What is a seaweed?
What does the phylogeny of Chlorophyte tell us about the origin of the "land plants"?
What are the major features found in the Laminales and how do these differ from the Fucales?
What are some of the adaptations found in floating plants?
What are the major differences between and aquatic Magnoliidae and Liliidae and what is significant about them?
Why is there more diversity in the Lillidae compared to the Magnoliidae?
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Last modified
on October 15, 2002.