Phil & Shay's Adventures in


Updated: April 20, 2004


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March 30(6 pics)

April 11(6 pics)

April 20(6 pics)


Feb. 24 - March 17, 2004

March 19 - April 18, 2004

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Paddle boat in Ohori park. Ridin' in style eh?

The Dolphin show at Marine World, the Dolphins actually hit those balls, simply amazing, accuracy and distance.

Alaskan King Crab, all I wanted to do was eat it! or was it Shay that made me ravenous?

This was a sweet aquarium. There was no way to avoid getting the people.

Looked better in real life, pic just doesn't do it justice.

Another sweet aquarium, I wish the picture could show how it was two stories high.