Welcome to my website.  As noted in the above banner, my name is Tyler Haiste and this site was created to
                                         showcase my photography, videography, art and participation in the local music scene.  On that note, it should be said that I don't consider myself a serious photographer,                                         videographer, artist or musician. Doing things like making videos and taking pictures of my friends and everyday surroundings is just something I happen to enjoy.  I find
           there is a lot of inspiration to be found in the documentation of everyday life.  Currently, I am 26 years old and nearing the completion of an English degree
                    at the University of Northern British Columbia.  Now that you know a little about me, I figure you should get to know some of my influences in photography,
             videography and art in general.  Go ahead and click on the images below.  Soundboarding is a skateboarding lifestyle company based out of Japan and
Cinemassacre is a diverse independent video site created by director/internet actor James Rolfe.  


Comments, critique and overall feedback on the quality of my website and material are encouraged and appreciated.  If you like,
drop me a line in the form below and tell me what I'm doing right or wrong.  Or copy+paste tyler.haiste@gmail.com
if you're using online email applications.  


All images Copyright T Haiste 2011