2003 materials
Notes: 1. Introduction
Midterm Exam: 14 October, 11:30 am, Room 5-125.
Notes: 2. Overview
3D space
I told you this course was easy: see Reading level rating for our textbook
Assignment 1 is due Friday 8th October at 5pm, in Adrian's office. Copies available in the G: drive.
Final Exam: 14 December, 13:30-16:30, room LIB 5-124.
I am away October 15-22 (http://fecsun.kankyo.tohoku.ac.jp/FORCOM/index.html, if you're curious). No holiday though: The 19 October lecture will be taught by Adrian. We have Craig Farnden as guest lecturer on 21 October.
Lab 4, 6th October: The Blob (order change
from last year, maybe for marks now).
Notes: 3. Site
Notes: 4. Yield Tables
V vs H, C
vs H, N
Height-age-site surface , cf. Lab 5 (needs VRML
viewer, e.g.,
Notes: 5. Spatial models 1
Notes: 6. Spatial models 2
MOF Research Branch software updates newsletter
Student jobs
Notes: 7. Distance-independent models
No labs on 17/11 or 1/12
Notes: 8. Whole-stand models
Notes: 9. Etc.