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NetCDF User's Guide for FORTRAN

An Access Interface for Self-Describing, Portable Data

Version 3

June 1997

Russ Rew, Glenn Davis, Steve Emmerson, and Harvey Davies

Unidata Program Center

NetCDF User's Guide for FORTRAN
1 - Introduction
2 - Components of a NetCDF Dataset
3 - Data
4 - Use of the NetCDF Library
5 - Datasets
6 - Dimensions
7 - Variables
8 - Attributes
9 - NetCDF File Structure and Performance
10 - NetCDF Utilities
11 - Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions
Appendix A - Units
Appendix B - File Format Specification
Appendix C - Summary of FORTRAN Interface
Appendix D - NetCDF 2 FORTRAN Transition Guide

NetCDF User's Guide for FORTRAN - 7 Nov 1997

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