1. prenominal. do; get; make (this prenominal proclitic forms a verb with the noun it precedes, the meaning 'to make/get that noun', for example samoonsk)
2. preverbal. get or make (this preverbal proclitic appears before verbs and creates a new word, such as sayüü - hide, literally make hidden)

Related entries: ha̱mnsa̱da'mxsk  bra | Compound lusa'aamg̱oot  make happy | Stem with modifying proclitic sa'amawa̱ntga g̱ag̱oot  calm | Stem with modifying proclitic sa'aw'aawsk  curl hair | Stem with modifying proclitic sag̱alamsk  clear a place | Stem with modifying proclitic sag̱a̱ladiisn  make a bun | Stem with modifying proclitic sag̱ooli1  wig | Stem with modifying proclitic sag̱ooli2  diet | Stem with modifying proclitic sahakwdak  yew tree | Stem with modifying proclitic sahayaamx  trick | Stem with modifying proclitic sahoyg̱a̱nsk  template | Stem with modifying proclitic samoonsk  salt something | sase'iksm ha'liimi   | Stem with modifying proclitic sa'wn  put into | Stem with modifying proclitic sayaamx  imitate | Stem with modifying proclitic sayüü  hide | Stem with modifying proclitic sa g̱awsk  diet | Stem with modifying proclitic sa̱xdoo  gather | sisagwelk  spark | Stem with modifying proclitic si ndooyn  garden | Stem with modifying proclitic si ndzox  make camp | Stem with modifying proclitic snlaayt'iks  monument/marker | wa̱p sabootk  boathouse | wa̱p sabutk  shoe repair shop

Source: Draft Dictionary entry.