preverbal. incorrect; not right; wrong way; mixed up
Libag̱aytdog̱as Dzon g̱aaydmboosn. John doesn't know where he bought the hats.
wil libag̱ayt 'lii t'aat, łgu la̱x g̱an. was where he was stranded, just sitting on a small tree.
Da'al lubaa xsoo gwa'a, gidza libag̱ayt k'yan, But then this canoe came in, they were almost in a panic,
Adat gaasga na t'u'utsgat adat sm libag̱ayt sg̱aḵ'odza na süülga txamoot. He took his knife and cut her body clean in half at her waist.
Libag̱ayt waal dm wila huut. There was no escape.

Image from Print Artist Platinum software, version 23, Bonus Graphics CD.