1. common noun. grey cod (this type of cod has a small spine below its mouth that is like a labret)
Ksa ḵ'a̱'wts'a 'ma̱gu. All I caught was a grey cod.
2. common noun. labret (lip ornament worn in a lip-piercing by a high-born woman as a mark of status)
3. common noun. carrots
Aam wila ma̱xsa ḵ'a'wts' a 'ns'ndooyntgu. The carrots are growing well in my garden.
Ḵ'awts' dm gyik lu kyiḵ'otsḵ'otsm da dm sisuubm. We need to cut more carrots to put in the soup.

Image from Print Artist Platinum edition, version 23, Bonus Graphics CD.