Stem with modifying proclitic composed of: t'm=2 forward, yaa walk/go
intransitive verb. walk to the front; go towards
Ła sahuutksa waas Douglas, dawila dm t'myaat. After Douglas' name was called he walked forward.
Ła t'mkyaa sm'ooygit dm algya̱xt. The Chief came forward to make his speech.
![Image courtesy of Aboriginal Education, School District 52. missing: ../jpgs/tpr-jpgs/Unit 5- other- From.jpg](../jpgs/tpr-jpgs/Unit 5- other- From.jpg)
Image courtesy of Aboriginal Education, School District 52.
![Image from Print Artist Platinum solftware, version 23, Supplementary Graphics CD. missing: ../jpgs/images-print-artist-b-w-drwings-jpgs/Kids 038.jpg](../jpgs/images-print-artist-b-w-drwings-jpgs/Kids 038.jpg)
Image from Print Artist Platinum solftware, version 23, Supplementary Graphics CD.