1. intransitive verb. hot; warm
G̱al lugyemga ts'mwaaba gwa̱'a̱. This house is too warm.
Ada wil si ama gyemga ts'm aks. Then the waters became warm.

Image from Print Artist Platinum software, version 23, Bonus Graphics CD.

Image from Print Artist Platinum, Version 23, Supplementary Images CD.
2. common noun. sun; heat
Sag̱a gyemk da gyelx. The sun is shining outside.

Image from Print Artist Platinum software, version 23, Bonus Graphics CD.

Image courtesy of Aboriginal Education, School District 52
3. common noun. moon
Delpga aks da ła 'yag̱agyemk. The tide is small at the new moon.
4. common noun. season
Ła dm sit'aam'aa ksuut a gyemga gya'wn. This month is the beginning of the fall season.
5. common noun. month
Gyemga gwa̱'a̱ dm wil g̱oydiksa waas. This is the month the rain will come.