intransitive verb. starvation
Wayi, ła gwaantgisga 'wiileeksm düüm la'aaxga asga nagyetgisga Ksiyeen. Well, once a great starvation touched the people of the Skeena.
Ada di hoksgisga k'ooltga sigidmnaxga asga spag̱ayt düüm la'aag̱m gyetga, dił łguułgm hana'axtga, gu naksgisga k'oolta nagyedisga
ksigyaani g̱alts'apga. Then there was a matriarch who was among the starving people, and her daughter, who had married a man from a village way up
the river.
'Ni'niisga ła 'wiileeksm gwaantgisga düüm la'aaxgisga g̱alts'aptsga. That was when the great famine reached the villages.
Ada ła gyik di dzaksga naksga łguułgm hana'axtga asga düüm la'aag̱atga, and the husband of the young woman also died of starvation,
g̱an düütga asga wil ḵ'ap 'wiileeksm düüm la'aaxgisga wil dzaxdzox; g̱an heelda düüt. why they died, was because there was really a great famine among the villages; therefore many died.
Wayi, di wila oksa düüm la'aaxdat gyik'ooł ḵ'aym goomsm wil gwaantgadat da sm tsüü gwatgat.
Ada wil want at bokat at 'aawsga nag̱aniinsgat gu nah düüt wil düüm la'aag̱at. And then they sat down to wail to mourn their husbands who had died from starvation.