Derivative composed of: 'nak long time/far long, -'a detransitivizing suffix
1. intransitive verb. reach out
Ksi'naka łgu'yuuta da 'niksuniiskw. The little boy reached out the window.

Image from Print Artist Platinum software, version 23, Bonus Graphics CD.

Image from Print Artist Platinum software, version 23, Bonus Graphics CD.
2. transitive verb. to reach for
Gyiloo labayt 'nakan da 'wah goo. Stop reaching for nothing.
dat lip log̱m 'nak'ada da dmt gaa, da'al lu maxda, lu maxda 'yuuta gwa'a, aa, naht sits'altida and he reached in himself and he was going to take it, but he [Dzoogali] put it on, the man put on this, ah, he made a loop
of it

Image from Print Artist Platinum software, version 23, Bonus Graphics CD.