common noun. licorice root; pieces of the root can be chewed to soothe a sore throat; or boiled into a tonic
Scientific name: Polypodium glycyrrhiza
'Ap dzemksa ts'üga̱'aam dawila hoopsa na akst, 'wa̱hk'üül ada di ksa̱ ga̱psit. Licorice root is mostly boiled for a few minutes and then you drink the tonic, and sometimes it's eaten raw.
Ts'üga̱'aam, 'ap dzemt, dawilat hooba na aksit, 'wa̱hküült da ksa̱ ga̱pt. Licorice root, just boil it and then drink the juice, and sometimes eat it raw.

Image provided by Graham Lindsay, then a Sm’algyax student at Charles Hayes Secondary.

Photograph by Donald Reece

Photograph courtesy of Nancy Turner.