Plural of: gaa take
transitive verb. take (pl.)
Da wilat uks doxt da ts'm aks. Then they take them out of the water.
Dm txadog̱m dm ts'iluumim. We will take a snack along.
ada wilt ba̱xdoxt a na waalpsga sm'ooygit. and then they brought them up to the house of the chief.
Ada yik k'üül gyik muuyut gyits'iip ła ts'iins Bobbyt dog̱a nag̱abloodpressurem dis Dick. And another thing I heard yesterday when Bobby came in to take Dick’s and my blood pressure.
Eightda hanaanḵ'a gyilksdog̱ut gyits'iip. I took eight girls home yesterday.
Dm la dog̱a abuum goo dm gabm. I will bring some groceries to eat.
łat gwiniits'n wil 'yag̱adoxsa na ludaxdakwłag̱antgit when they showed taking down the bodies of the people that drowned
Nm dog̱a g̱axbiisa na gyigyiigu da ... dm gabm da gwa'a. I will get the boxes I bought... and we will eat here.
Heelda goo dog̱at, biskit, krakez, k'aba kukiiz, dzaam, 'nii dog̱as Simon, 'lii doot He brought a lot of things, biscuits, crackers, little cookies, jam, that's what Simon brought, he put them on

Image courtesy of Aboriginal Education, School District 52.