Dr. J. Mark Shrimpton

Ecosystem Science and Management (Biology) Program

University of Northern British Columbia



























































































Shrimpton JM (2013) Seawater to freshwater transitions in diadromous fish. In: Euryhaline Fishes (Fish Physiology Series). Vol. 32, eds. SD McCormick, AP Farrell and CJ Brauner, pp. 327-392. San Diego: Academic Press.

Flores A-M, Shrimpton JM (2012) Differential physiological and endocrine responses of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, transferred from fresh water to ion-poor or salt water. General and Comparative Endocrinology 175, 244-250.

Flores A-M, Shrimpton JM, Patterson DA, Hills JA, Cooke SJ, Yada T, Moriyama S, Hinch SG, Farrell AP (2012) Physiological and molecular endocrine changes in maturing wild sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, during ocean and river migration. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, Biochemical, Systems, and Environmental Physiology 182, 77-90.

McRae CJ, Warren KD, Shrimpton JM (2012) Spawning site selection in Interior Fraser River coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): an imperiled population of anadromous salmon from an interior, snow-dominated watershed. Endangered Species Research 16, 249-260.

Shrimpton JM, Heath JW, Devlin RH, Heath DD (2012) Effect of triploidy on growth and ionoregulatory performance in ocean-type Chinook salmon: a quantitative genetics approach. Aquaculture 362-363, 248-254.

Chittenden CM, Biagi C, Grimsrud Davidsen J, Grimsrud Davidsen A, Kondo H, McKnight A, Pedersen O-P, Raven P, Rikardsen AH, Shrimpton JM, Zuehlke B, McKinley RS, Devlin RH (2010) Genetic verses rearing-environment effects on phenotype: hatchery and natural rearing effects on hatchery- and wild-born coho salmon.  PLoS ONE  5, e12661 (11 pp).

Cooperman MC, Hinch SG, Crossin GT, Cooke SJ, Patterson DA, Olsson I, Lotto A, Welch D, Shrimpton JM, Farrell AP, van der Kraak G (2010) Effects of experimental manipulations of salinity and maturation status on the physiological condition and mortality of homing adult sockeye salmon held in a laboratory.  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology  83, 459-472

Donaldson MR, Hinch SG, Patterson DA, Farrell AP, Shrimpton JM, Miller-Saunders KM, Robichaud D, Hills J, Hruska KA, Hanson KC, English KK, Van Der Kraak G, Cook SJ (2010) Physiological condition differentially affects the behaviour and survival of two populations of sockeye salmon during their freshwater spawing migration.  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology  83, 446-458 

Sykes GE, Shrimpton JM (2010) Temperature and flow effects on smolting in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): the relationship between migratory behaviour and physiological development.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67, 191-201. 

Walter RP, Shrimpton JM, Heath DD (2010) Reply to Comment on “Gene flow increases temporal stability of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) population in the Upper Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada”.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67, 206-208. 

Cooke SJ, Donaldson MR, Hinch SG, Crossin GT, Patterson DA, Hanson KC, English KK, Shrimpton JM, Farrell AP (2009) Is fishing selective for physiological and energetic characteristics in migratory adult sockeye salmon?  Evolutionary Applications 2, 299-311.

Sykes GE, Johnson CJ, Shrimpton JM (2009) Temperature and flow effects on migration timing of Chinook salmon smolts.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society  138, 1252-1265. 

Walter RR, Aykanat T, Kelly DW, Shrimpton JM, Heath DD (2009) Gene flow increases temporal stability of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations in the Upper Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  66, 167-176. 

Cooke SJ, Hinch SG, Farrell AP, Patterson DA, Miller-Saunders K, Welch DW, Donaldson MR, Hanson KC, Crossin GT, Mathes MT, Lotto AG, Hruska KA, Olsson IC, Wagner GN, Thomson R, Hourston R, English KK, Larsson S, Shrimpton JM, Van der Kraak G (2008) Developing a mechanistic understanding of fish migrations by linking telemetry with physiology, behavior, genomics and experimental biology: an interdisciplinary case study on adult Fraser River sockeye salmon. Fisheries  33, 321-338.

Cooke SJ, Hinch SG, Crossin GT, Patterson DA, English KK, Healey MC, Macdonald JS, Shrimpton JM, Young JL, Lister A, Van Der Kraak G, Farrell AP (2008) Physiological correlates of coastal arrival and river entry timing in Late Summer Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka).  Behavioural Ecology  19, 747-758.

Crossin GT, Hinch SG, Cooke SJ, Welch DW, Lotto AG, Patterson DA, Leggatt RA, Mathes MT, Shrimpton JM, Van Der Kraak G, Farrell AP (2008) Exposure to high temperature influences the behaviour, physiology, and survival of sockeye salmon during spawning migration.  Canadian Journal of Zoology  86, 127-140.

Hanson KC, Cooke SJ, Hinch SG, Crossin GT, Patterson DA, English KK, Donaldson MR, Shrimpton JM, Van Der Kraak G, Farrell AP (2008) Individual variation in migration speed of upriver-migrating sockeye salmon in the Fraser River in relation to their physiological and energetic status at marine approach.  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology  81, 255–268. 

McCormick SD, Regish A, O’Dea MF, Shrimpton JM (2008) Are we missing a minerlocorticoid in fish?  Effects of cortisol, deoxycorticosterone and aldosterone on osmoregulation, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity and isoform mRNA levels in Atlantic salmon.  General and Comparative Endocrinology  157, 35-40. 

Shrimpton JM, Cena CJ, Clarke AD (2008) Response of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) to habitat reconnection through replacement of hanging culverts with bridges.  BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management  9, 71-79. 

Clarke AD, Lewis A, Telmer KH, Shrimpton JM (2007) Life history and age at maturity of an anadromous smelt, the eulachon Thaleicthys pacificus Journal of Fish Biology  71, 1479-1493. 

Clarke AD, Telmer KH, Shrimpton JM (2007) Using natural elemental signatures to determine habitat use and population structure for a fluvial species, the Arctic grayling, in a watershed impacted by a large reservoir.  Journal of Applied Ecology  44, 1156-1165.

Clarke AD, Telmer KH, Shrimpton JM (2007) Elemental analysis of otoliths, fin rays, and scales: a comparison of bony structures to provide population and life-history information for the Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus).  Ecology of Freshwater Fish  16, 354-361. 

Crossin GT, Hinch SG, Cooke SJ, Welch DW, Batten SD, Patterson DA, Van Der Kraak G, Shrimpton JM, Farrell AP (2007) Behaviour and physiology of sockeye homing through coastal waters to a natal stream.  Marine Biology  152, 905-918.

Johnson RM, Shrimpton JM, Cho GK, Heath DD (2007) Dosage effects on heritability and maternal effects in diploid and triploid Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).  Heredity  98, 303-310.  

McCormick SD, Shrimpton JM, Moriyama S, Björnsson BTh (2007) Differential hormonal responses of Atlantic salmon parr and smolt to increased daylength: a possible physiological basis for smolting.  Aquaculture  273, 337-344.

Shrimpton JM, Sentlinger AMC, Heath JW, Devlin RH, Heath DD (2007) Biochemical and molecular differences in diploid and triploid ocean-type chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) smolts.  Fish Physiology and Biochemistry  33, 259-268. 

Shrimpton JM, Zydlewski JD, Heath JW (2007) Effect of daily oscillation in temperature and increased suspended sediment on growth and smolting in juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytschaAquaculture  273, 269-276. 

Cooke SJ, Hinch SG, Crossin GT, Patterson DA, English KK, Healey MC, Shrimpton JM, Van Der Kraak G,  Farrell AP (2006) Mechanistic basis of individual mortality in Pacific salmon during spawning migrations.  Ecology  87, 1575-1586. 

Cooke SJ, Hinch SG, Crossin GT, Patterson DA, English KK, Shrimpton JM, Van Der Kraak G, Farrell AP (2006) Physiology of individual late-run Fraser River sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka sampled in the ocean correlates with fate during spawning migration.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  63, 1469-1480. 

Heath DD, Shrimpton JM, Hepburn RI, Jamieson SK, Brode SK, Docker MF (2006) Population structure and divergence using microsatellite and gene locus markers in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  63, 1370-1383. 

Wagner GN, Kuchel LJ, Lotto A, Patterson DA, Shrimpton JM, Hinch SG, Farrell AP (2006) Routine and active metabolic rates of migrating, adult wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum) in seawater and freshwater.  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology  79, 100-108. 

Shrimpton JM, Patterson DA, Richards JG, Cooke SJ, Schulte PM, Hinch SG, Farrell AP (2005) Ionoregulatory changes in different populations of maturing sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during ocean and river migration.  Journal of Experimental Biology  208, 4069-4078. 

Wagner GN, Lotto A, Kuchel L, Jones SRM, Patterson DA, Cooke SJ, Macdonald JS, Van der Kraak G, Healey MC, Shrimpton M, English K, Hinch SG, Farrell AP (2005) The effects of controlled Parvicapsula minibicornis infection on metabolic rates and swimming performance of adult Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  62, 2124-2133. 

Bahr MA, Shrimpton JM (2004) Spatial and quantitative differences in movement of large bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) from a watershed in northwestern British Columbia, Canada, are due to habitat selection and not differences in life history.  Ecology of Freshwater Fish  13, 294-304.

Johnson RM, Shrimpton JM, Heath JW, Heath DD (2004) Family, induction methodology and interaction effects on the performance of diploid and triploid chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).  Aquaculture  234, 123-142. 

Shrimpton JM, Heath DD (2003) Temporal changes in genetic diversity and effective population size in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations: Large versus small scale perturbation effects.  Molecular Ecology  12, 2571-2583.

Shrimpton JM, McCormick SD (2003) Environmental and endocrine control of gill corticosteroid receptor number and affinity in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during smolting.  Aquaculture  222, 83-99. 

Heath DD, Rankin L, Bryden CA, Heath JW, Shrimpton JM (2002) Sex linkage in an alternative male life history strategy: Jacking in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Heredity  89, 311-317. 

Heath DD, Bryden CA, Shrimpton JM, Iwama GK, Kelly J, Heath JW (2002) Relationships between heterozygosity, genetic distance (d2), and reproductive traits in chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  59, 77-84. 

McCormick SD, Shrimpton JM, Moriyama S, Björnsson BTh (2002) Effects of an advanced temperature cycle on smolt development and endocrinology indicate that temperature is not a zeitgeber for smolting in Atlantic salmon. Journal of Experimental Biology  205, 3553-3560.

Shrimpton JM, McCormick SD (2002) Seasonal changes in androgen levels in Atlantic salmon parr and their relationship to smolting.  Journal of Fish Biology  61, 1294-1304.

Shrimpton JM, Zydlewski JD, McCormick SD (2001) The stress response of juvenile American shad to handling and confinement is greater during migration in fresh water than in seawater.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society  130, 1203-1210.

Persson P, Shrimpton JM, Björnsson BTh, McCormick SD (2000) The presence of high-affinity, low-capacity estradiol-17β binding in rainbow trout scale indicates a possible endocrine route for the regulation of scale resorption.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 120, 35-43. 


Shrimpton JM, Björnsson BTh, McCormick SD (2000) Can Atlantic salmon smolt twice?  Endocrine and biochemical changes during smolting.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and  Aquatic Sciences 57, 1969-1976. 


Shrimpton JM, McCormick SD (1999) Responsiveness of gill Na+K+ATPase to cortisol is related to gill corticosteroid receptor concentration in juvenile rainbow trout.  Journal of Experimental Biology 202, 987-995. 


McCormick SD, Shrimpton JM, Sloan KE, O'Dea MF, Carey JB, Moriyama S, Björnsson BTh (1998) Repeated acute stress reduces growth rate of Atlantic salmon parr and alters plasma growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor 1 and cortisol.  Aquaculture 168, 221-235.


Shrimpton JM, McCormick SD (1998) Regulation of gill corticosteroid receptors in juvenile Atlantic salmon: Interaction effects of growth hormone with prolactin and triiodothyronine.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 112, 262-274. 


Shrimpton JM, McCormick SD (1998) Seasonal differences in plasma cortisol and gill corticosteroid receptors in upper and lower mode juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salarAquaculture 168, 205-219. 


McCormick SD, Shrimpton JM, Zydlewski JD (1997) Temperature effects on osmoregulatory physiology of anadromous fish.  In:  Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series 61: Global Warming: Implications for freshwater and marine fish, ed. CM Wood and DG McDonald.  Cambridge University Press.  pp. 279-301. 


Shrimpton JM (1996) Relationship between size, gill corticosteroid receptors, Na+K+ATPase activity and smolting in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in autumn and spring.  Aquaculture 147, 127-140.  


Shrimpton JM, Devlin RH, McLean E, Byatt JC, Donaldson EM, Randall DJ (1995) Increases in gill cytosolic corticosteroid receptor abundance and saltwater tolerance in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) treated with growth hormone and placental lactogen.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 98, 1-15. 


Shrimpton JM, Randall DJ (1994) Downregulation of corticosteroid receptors in the gills of coho salmon due to stress and cortisol treatment.  American Journal of Physiology 267, R432-R438. 


Shrimpton JM, Bernier NJ, Iwama GK, Randall DJ (1994) Differences in measurements of smolt development between wild and hatchery-reared juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) before and after saltwater exposure.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51, 2170-2178. 


Shrimpton JM, Bernier NJ, Randall DJ (1994) Changes in cortisol dynamics in wild and hatchery reared juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) during smoltification.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51, 2179-2187.  


Brauner CJ, Shrimpton JM, Randall DJ (1992) The effect of short duration seawater exposure on plasma ion concentrations and swimming performance in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49, 2399-2405.


Shrimpton JM, Randall DJ, Fidler LE (1990) Factors affecting swimbladder volume in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) held in gas supersaturated water.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 68, 962-968.


Shrimpton JM, Randall DJ, Fidler LE (1990) Assessing the effects of positive buoyancy on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) held in gas supersaturated water.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 68, 969-973. 


Shrimpton JM (1987) Assessment of substrate performance and column geometry in aeration of hatchery water supplies. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. No. 1886. 31pp.