Dr. J. Mark Shrimpton

Ecosystem Science and Management (Biology) Program

University of Northern British Columbia



Courses Taught


Ichthyology and Herpetology (Biol 307) - The identification, comparative anatomy and evolution of fishes, amphibians and reptiles. Topics covered include the evolution of vertebrates, ancestral fish, cartilaginous and bony fish, the transition to land of tetrapods, amphibians and reptiles. Mechanisms of thermoregulation, locomotion, circulation of blood, respiration, osmoregulation, feeding, reproduction, development, metamorphosis and growth are also examined. Particular reference is made to species endemic to British Columbia.


Fish Ecology (Biol 406/606) - The general life history, ecology, zoogeography and habitats of freshwater, anadromous and marine fishes.  Topics include the habitat requirements of fish, interaction between fish and their abiotic and biotic environment, factors that determine the distribution and abundance of fish species, life history patterns, and reproductive strategies of fish.  The course will also examine the diversity of fish, with particular reference to species that exist in BC, the evolutionary processes that have contributed to the diversity of fish. 


Fisheries Management (Biol 414/602) - Management of freshwater and anadromous fishes of British Columbia. Legislation and information required for management of fish in BC are reviewed. Fish population structure, methods for managing production and exploitation and conservation issues are covered. Integrated management issues examining the interactions between fisheries and other resources such as forestry, agriculture, aquaculture, mining and power generation are examined. In addition the course covers issues related to fisheries for aboriginal people and the international regulations for anadromous fish.