You can uncode all of these Geek Codes by using the script at written by Bradley M. Kuhn.
06/4/25, done while at the place back in Phoenix, AZ, in between working on Co-op report stuff, and munching on ramen. Mmm, ramen. Changed a few things, but overall pretty trivial. Happily, given that I'm in Marine Drive and staying with Malte (will be once Fall courses start up again), I can say that I've achieved h- status, hooray! I think I managed to move up a few others ones, but nothing terribly intense =b I find it amusing how my updates on this page come almost each year. I'm surprised I don't just jump into this and tweak it more often haha. Good times... Time to get back to work now =b
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GAT/E d--(+)@ s: a19>? C(++++) UBL>B++++L++++ P+>+++ L++(+++)>+++(++++) E(----)@ W++(--)>+++(--) N>(+) o?>+ K?> w@>++(--)@ O?> M+>++ V?> PS+(+++)@ PE-(+)@ Y(++)@ PGP?->(+) t+@ 5?>++@ X+ R(+) !tv@ b+>+++ DI(+) D+(++) G(++)>++++ e>*++++ h-() r*()>++ y-() ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
05/5/4, a week and a day after moving into my uncle's place. In Vancouver for the summer =) I was pretty overzealous with all my Geek identifiers so I cropped it down just a wee bit =b Also noticed a syntactic error... UB, not UBSD. Played around with a few other identifiers. Also realised that seeing as I don't have a tv, and haven't had one for about a year now, I probably shoulda changed that =b There you have it =)
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GAT/E d--(+) s: a18>? C++(++++) UBL>B++++L++++ P+>+++ L++(+++)>+++(++++) E-()@>----@ W++(--)@>+++(--)@ N?>(++) o?>+ K?> w(++)>++(--)@ O?>+ M+>++ V?> PS(+++)@ PE-(++)@ Y+(++)@ PGP?->+(++) t-(++)@ 5?>(++)@ X+ R(+) !tv@ b+>+++(++++) DI(+) D+ G(++)>++++ e>*++++ h--()>- r--()>++ y-() ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
From 04/10/2, done before I went for dinner with my floor mates =) Note the addition of a few Geek wannabe identifiers, as well as a new age indicator, and housing indicator, as well as a few other things. I'm in Vancouver now =D
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GAT>AT/B/C/CS/E/IT/L/M/MU/PA/P/S/TW d-@ s: a18>? C++(++++) UBSDL>BSD++++L++++ P+>+++ L++(+++)>+++(++++) E-()@>----@ W++(--)@>+++(--)@ N?>(++) o?>+ K?> w(++)>++(--)@ O?>+ M+>++ V?> PS+(+++) PE-(+)@ Y+(++)@ PGP?->+(++) t+(++) 5?>(++)@ X+ R(+) tv@ b+>++++ DI(+) D+ G(++)>+++(++++) e>*++++ h--()> r--()>++ y-() ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
Done 04/7/11 on a lazy summer Sunday =) Finally, e, instead of e- =b Oh, and I just realized that for the other codes I should have been h!, but I never put it in =b Living at home while going to high school somehow makes sense ;) Oh, it's h! for now until I move back to Vancouver and into the dorms =b
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GAT>AT/B/C/CS/E/IT/L/M/MU/P/S d-@ s: a17>? C++(++++) UBSD>BSD++++L++++ P+>+++ L>+++(++++) E?>@ W++(-)@>+++(-)@ N?>(++) o?>+ K?> w>++(--) O?>+ M+>++ V?> PS+(+++) PE-(+)@ Y+(++) PGP?->+(++) t+(++) 5?>(++)@ X+ R(+) tv@ b+>++++ DI(+) D+ G(++)>+++(++++) e>*++++ h! r--()>++ y-() ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
Done 03/12/14 again when I should have been doing homework but I wanted to update it.
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GAT d-@ s: a17>? C++(++++) UBSD>BSD+++L+++ P+>+++ L>+++(++++) E?>----@ W++(-)@ N?>(+) o?>+ K?> w>++(--) O?>+ M+>++ V?> PS+(+++) PE-(+)@ Y+(++) PGP?->+(++) t+(++) 5?>+ X+ R+ tv@ b+>++++ DI(+) D+ G(++)>+++ e->*++++ h r--()>++ y- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
One done 03/12/10 when I should have been doing homework ;) This is about four months into grade 12.
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GC/CS/E/L/S/M/P/MU d-(+) s: a17>? C++(++++) UBSD>+++ P+>+++ L>++ E?>----() W++ N(+) o?>+ K?> w O?>+ M+>++ V?> PS+(+++) PE-(+) Y+ PGP->+ t+ 5(+) X+ R(+) tv(+) b+>+++ DI(+) D+ G++>+++ e->*++++ h r-->++ y- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
One from the summer of 2002, if I recall correctly.
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCS/S/M/P/MU d- s: a15>? C++(++++) U>+++ P+>++++ L>++ E?> W++ N?> o?>+ K?> w O?>+ M+>++ V?>- PS+(+++) PE-() Y+ PGP? t+ 5? X+ R+ tv+ b+>+++ DI(+) D++ G++>+++ e->*++++ h r-- y? ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
An uncoded version can be found here, if you're too lazy to do it yourself =b
Uncoded using the script at written by Bradley M. Kuhn.