Zealot Rush

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The all powerful zealot rush, it not only strikes fear in your opponents heart but it also makes them worry and focus on building quick defense. To make this strategy work you have to know what you are facing so if you send your zealots at a group of five cannons they wont last long and will probably be defeated quickly. But first let me outline the steps you should take to make the appropriate amount of zealots to rush with. For the Fastest Money Maps which have the minerals stacked just below or above your nexus, use the following steps. Select nexus make probe/select 4 probes mine/select nexus make 6th probe/select 5th probe mine/select nexus make 7th probe/select 6th probe make pylon then mine/select nexus make 8th probe/select 7th probe mine/select nexus make probes continuously but do not have more then 2 probes in queue list so only have the first 2 of 5 pictures used to make probes. The 8th probe is your builder for the rest of the game; you may want to hotkey him, as soon as he is created make a gateway and then when minerals are provided make two pylons and then your second gateway. Carefully make sure that you are still making probes and sending them to mine, never under any circumstances should you stop production of probes so you have to check back constantly that you are making probes. When you have made your second gateway the first should be ready. Make a zealot immediately then two more gateways at which point the second gateway should finish and your first zealot should be out, then make a zealot in these two gateways. At this point you have your chance to scout your opponents I suggest that you send him to the mineral spot of your neighbor and then hold shift and click the spots on the mini-map that have the other mineral spots. You will notice that your population is almost full so you should make three more pylons and then your zealots will be completed with your gateways almost finished. Make four more zealots and then when you have minerals make two more gateways. At this point your population will almost be full so you need to make two more pylons. When the four zealots are made make them again and when the other two gateways finish, make two zealots from them. When those two finish you will have a fierce twelve zealot army. The zealot you sent out should have been done scouting a long time ago so you should know where they are. The rest is up to you but always make sure that your probe production has not stopped. It is important to attack your enemy not at there strengths but at there weakness so that is there miners or technology or buildings that are undefended.

Zealot Rush Replay - The replay shows the devastation that a zealot rush can have against an opponent. The use of a computer was used as to keep the time and size of the file to a minimum.

Zealot Rush2 Replay - This replay is due to the fact that some people may believe it only works on a computer. As shown myself Commandr implements the strategy provided and easily prevails against his opponent.

This is all a game whether you live or die means nothing for we will all die eventually. Delaying the inevitable may be worse then death.

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