Terran Strategy
People often have trouble with the use of mass tanks with Terran although this is difficult to defeat using some of the more powerful units of the Protoss the answer is simple mass zealots with speed upgrade they are capable to reach the tanks and any units in front of them a group of 24 zealots can take out a Terran opponent that has as many tanks in his choke. Most Terran players attempt to either mass marine and medic along with firebats, or go for the only other option which is to make mass battlecruisers. If they are able to make mass battlecruisers you have only one hope and that is that you have enough psi storm available along with dragoons attacking them from the psi storm the battlecruisers will most likely take only 50 damage if they don’t move out right away and each shot from a dragoon gives 20 damage so for 12 battlecruisers you are should expect to use at least 10 psi storm as well lose upwards of 24 dragoons. If a mass of marine’s medics and firebats is coming your way it is best to counter by making dark templars and dragoons of course if you are lazy you could just use one psi storm and take out a bunched group in a second.
Terran players have a hard time with defense and usually the main command center is unprotected so a couple reavers in the right spot can take out all the scv’s mining and before they are destroyed do at least half damage to the command center. That is only using 2 reavers if you are successful with getting 6 of them the command center will fall easy or be lifted off. Other then attempting a drop any form of attack will most likely succeed dragoons will eventually destroy every building that a Terran player can make even if they lift off.