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This is a relatively small part to the game but it can make the difference between a win and a loss it is that critical but only if your opponent is worthy. Dragoon dancing is the way to get melee units to chase after one dragoon while the remaining dragoons attack from afar. Diverting attention by sending a few units into your enemy’s base straight into his defense then running away while the real force sneaks past hitting the main or tech tree. Luring opponents to attack you, this is caused by attacking once and then running and opponents will automatically chase unless they are in hold position mode. Blocking is another tactic which I personally do not agree with but is very effective, enemies will not attack neutral units unless ordered, so by having units behind buildings or probes will cause melee units to walk past everything that may be between them and the unit attacking them. Blocking also works for cannons by placing buildings in front opponents will walk around until they are within range to attack.
This is all a game whether you live or die means nothing for we will all die eventually. Delaying the inevitable may be worse then death.
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